Anonymous ID: ad29e1 Jan. 3, 2024, 6:38 p.m. No.20179348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9418 >>9518 >>9536 >>9772 >>9851 >>9990 >>9996



I know the Epstein releases will be prominent for a while, but I want to ask for "eyes on" an organization I found while I was still looking at "Twitter". I found this group via the social media of a local city council person who is still affiliated with them even though the person isn't on city council in my city any longer. is the site for the Association of Health Care Journalists. It seems like they direct content in some manner, perhaps by providing stories with a particular bent or directing coverage of topics. They also offer awards. It seems additionally like possible way to funnel resources to a particular type of journalist.


I'll be looking at their BOD a bit:


What I am seeing locally in my area (mid-west small university city with unusual heavy Democrat leftist bent) is multiple organizations involved even down to city council and local officials with spoopy connections. For example the city council person that appears to still have involvement with AHCJ also had "pizza enthusiast" written on their social media. Their "official" social media.


Local school board pretty much seems "run" by the teachers unions. Recently something called Compass HealthCare ( was allowed to set up shop in a formerly used school building to provide health care directly to students during the school day. The City Council is preparing (if they have not already done so) to consider making the city an "LGBTQ" sanctuary city. The council worked with University people (students I think actually) from the Young Democrat Socialists to draft a policy/ordinance or something of that nature to make it so the local police put a low priority on enforcement of state laws regarding things like "trans" care as I understand it. I seriously think the goal is to "transition" school children behind the backs of family while hiding the medications given. The think about "Compass Health Care" is that they are protected from liability if they hurt a student. One high school is very near the Planned Parenthood clinic for the region.


Four local politicians have insanely gotten upset when "transitioning" was reserved for adults over 18 on a state level. One person on the school board, a teacher, left the area apparently due to no longer being able to continue "transitioning" their child!


I am hoping by sharing what I am seeing in my city other people will start looking at how the organizations and funding are working in their region. The AHCJ seems to maybe be of this "ecosystem" that basically cuts parents, voters and taxpayers out of decision making.


God help my city. For real.

Anonymous ID: ad29e1 Jan. 3, 2024, 6:46 p.m. No.20179418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9772 >>9851 >>9990 >>9996



Regarding Compass Health Care ( This is how you know they are protected from liability.


This verbiage is at the bottom of the first page at the above link:"This health center receives HHS funding and has federal PHS deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals."


Pic related. I think this decal also reflects the liability protection.


In my city there is a dental bus which can give dental care at various schools during the school day. What else could be done with this bus? Especially with immigrant non-english speaking children. I'm guessing that when parents enroll their children in school they could be "consenting" to this health care.

Anonymous ID: ad29e1 Jan. 3, 2024, 7:01 p.m. No.20179523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9667 >>9772 >>9851 >>9990 >>9996

I took a look at the BOD of this organization: This person, Joyce Frieden reminded me of another prominent Frieden: Thomas Frieden.


Tom Frieden has some spoopiness in his background. I recall seeing him mentioned in some of the material on Corey's Digs. His wikipedia seems pretty complete, but I don't see a direct connection to a "Joyce" Frieden.


Here's a link to the Corey's Digs story:

Anonymous ID: ad29e1 Jan. 3, 2024, 7:28 p.m. No.20179717   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Due to DJT being persecuted relentlessly after he ostensibly "left office" does anyone doing evil think they can just "not run for reelection", retire and/or resign and be ignored forever after?