Anonymous ID: e74d9d Jan. 3, 2024, 8:06 p.m. No.20179955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9958 >>9972

replying to


** Urban deathtraps


>>20164484 pb

Flee before it's too late.


** Taiwan taken May 2024


>>20163958 pb

China's weather window to take Taiwan in 2024 is May-June.


** 59e3ac Skeptic


>>20163525 pb

Materialist anti-woo bias.

Confirmed not Illuminati.


Gov insider, probable Oldfag.

Spent enough time rubbing elbows with Illuminati here he's starting to sound like one.

That is the purpose of this place, after all.


>>20163572 pb



** Illuminati/insiders


*** Tom Dunkle


**** 802d8c


>>20164177 pb

Burning Bush's operatives blew up the Georgia Guidestones to defy the Cabal depopulationist Gray Agenda.

They arrived and exited by sedan.

One sprinted across a field and set the charges.

The detonation was timed for an esoteric timestamp, 3:33 or something.

The nearby floodlight may have channeled an arc of lightning simultaneously, to guide the demolition into a meaningful resting configuration, indicating how Russia would prevail in the apocalyptic struggle.


I like my chocolate 99% dark.


>>20163476 pb

Other post is Happy New Years with Gavin Newsom pictured.

Presumed author is Tom Dunkle.


Image is a hint that Gavin Newsom is the next Cabal-anointed Democrat president.

Old money, model looks, dead eyes, gay vibe.


**** 04b5b3


Capslock again, consistent with last thread's poster tentatively ID'd as Tom Dunkle.

Some anti-Ukraine POV as BB.


>>20163528 pb

Tries to advise a materialist skeptic on policing his word spells;

casting pearls before swine.

Ironic that 59e3ac rudely demands info on Illuminati, from an Illuminati, while implicitly assuming the supernatural (Satan) doesn't exist.


>>20163576 pb

Meaning of "Robert Peters" becomes clear.

IL state senator was a red herring.

The correct target is Gavin Newsom's corrupt past.

Disable him now before he can ruin America like California.


>>20163620 pb

Ok, Robert Peters is an email alias for Joe Biden.

Two presidents for the price of one.

Well… 1.5? A future potential and a current fake… fuzzy math.

>>20163630 pb

Maybe OP's reaching here.

>>20164013 pb

Robin Ware is outside my scope of esoteric investigation.

>>20163607 pb

Bill Gates Robert Peters connection


*** Grandma 1a9e3f


Unbelievably based grandma makes me wish for racist gingerbread men.


*** Outsider c24ba6


>>20163635 pb

Woe to Green Day for attacking Trump.

Pic reveals OP's identity: xeno Observer

OP continues in subthread, riffing on Green Man, Pan, and panic.


The Green Man Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey plays multiple green men: Mask, Grinch, Riddler

Springtime symbol.

Ace Ventura: nature theme.

Account compiles esoteric details in film, quoting text by others.

Terse Illuminati Disclosure MO.

Astronaut profile pic implies xeno origin.


>>20163604 pb

Cabal tell: blood ruby rings, for sacrifices to kiss, consenting to their harvest.


>>20163884 pb

China to retake Taiwan in Year of the Dragon, cementing Xi's ascension to Emperor.

>>20163899 pb dubs

Smaug the dragon's rise and fall.


>>20163616 pb

Watch the water, space weather and death by tsunami.


>>20163651 pb

> The Great Taking: You Really No Longer Own Your Securities

>>20163666 pb 666

> Try to get your money out of the market….the Jews will hammer you with so many fees and taxes you might end up owing them money


>>20163797 pb

Quotes Cabal-murdered Bourdain to predict how 2024 will go.

>>20164366 pb

Quake in SF, foreshadowing.

Anonymous ID: e74d9d Jan. 3, 2024, 8:06 p.m. No.20179958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9964 >>9972



*** Invisible (xeno) enemy


>>20164113 pb


*** 3815d5 | BB aligned


Illuminati tersely Disclosing, relying on suggestion and public data.


**** Clinton closure


Hillary Clinton's witchcraft: sacrificing chickens to Moloch.

Clinton's public health will rapidly decline with Epstein releases.

Doubles game no longer profitable.

>>20163977 pb dubs

> right now is sort of a slow motion replay

Doubles are currently slowly mirroring the decline in health of the original Bill and Hillary Clinton.


**** Zionist history


>>20164000 pb

Zionists asked the Kaiser first in 1898:

The Zionist Project and the British Mandate in Palestine


Kaiser declined, so the royal family in England changed their name, fought two wars against Germany, and upon victory made the Balfour Declaration.


USA gave permission for the Balfour Declaration:

>>20163981 pb

Only by leave of the hegemon.


USA has the most Jews of any country now.


**** Georgia Guidestones


>>20164310 pb

Agrees with my interpretation of who blew up the Georgia Guidestones.

BB's human incarnation is comparable to Paul Muad'dib, the warrior savior pitted against the Cabal Antichrist, MBS (says Chukl).


**** FBI


>>20164221 pb

> Why'd the FBI expand their presence at the Redstone Arsenal, Alabama?

Hint nobody got.

Need some 'bama boys to police the Web's right-wing tsunami, I reckon.

Careful they don't convert, Fedcoat.


*** b9aefb | BB?


Suspected BB, posting memes mostly.

Signature clouds indicating UFOs.


** Iran + Iraq vs Israel


>>20163849 pb

Leave it to the muzzies to charge into nukes.

Guess we'll see whether Allah is greater than the Sun shortly.


** Q=8


>>20163734 pb

8kun logo is a proto-Q.

see cursive lower-case q


** Trust the Plan


>>20163974 pb

> Everything is already in the process of being fixed. Those who fail to see it are either newfags or shills. Or impatient people who would rather see Hillary perp-walked on CNN and allow the Deep State to come right back the next election instead of taking it down completely.


Encore Dr. Pangloss.


** The ball drops, the Bell Tolls


>>20164180 pb

> A massive X5-class solar flare was detected by Earth-orbiting satellites just hours before 2024 began, the most potent eruption the sun has produced since 2017. Its aftermath looks set to cause a geomagnetic storm on Earth on January 2