Anonymous ID: 3a041d Jan. 3, 2024, 8:30 p.m. No.20180113   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20180066 lb/pb

“So around the time the Monster began facing legal trouble in America, his foreign place [Venezuela] was locked down. It would be quite a while until Mari could return without attention.”


“When she did, however, she noticed that the security guards had abandoned the estate. It was unprotected, and had been broken into. Worse for her, she soon discovered a LOT of missing items. Not just valuables, but an ENTIRE SAFE. Removed from a permanent location built into the house. Someone had removed the entire unit. In it were things that Monster and Mari had counted on for protection, blackmail, or to help preserve themselves if they ever got pinched. Mari could not even tell Monster for a long while. But she knew it could spell the end for them, and many others.”


“As for who took it? Nobody knows for sure. Some think the protégé dictator did. Others think some American political people had it done. OR maybe just a very nervous billionaire or even an actor. Anyone could have hired a team to snatch it away.”

