Anonymous ID: 25f8af Jan. 4, 2024, 12:07 p.m. No.20182964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2979 >>3016


can we get some facial recognition action on her "rallies" ? bet she's bussing the same people to different stops for bodies. She listed 5 stops yesterday and showed 4 different angles of 1 stop, which was presumbly the largest

Anonymous ID: 25f8af Jan. 4, 2024, 12:26 p.m. No.20183067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3110 >>3265


>DHS Has Been Funding Programs at Universities To Label the “Manosphere” Movement a Terror Threat

Wonder What DHS is hiding?

they removed the 2020 and 2021 grants from their website?


>Archived 3 months ago. includes 2020 and 2021


<Current. 2020 and 2021 gone

Anonymous ID: 25f8af Jan. 4, 2024, 12:35 p.m. No.20183110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3149



>Please find abstracts of FY23 awardees here.


>they removed the 2020 and 2021 grants from their website?



Fiscal Year 2023 Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grantee Abstracts

Awards Summaries


Below are the Fiscal Year 2023 Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grantee awards summaries sorted by the topics of Promising Practices, or Innovation.


Boise State University 


Type 1: Raising Societal Awareness; Type 4: Youth Resilience Programs 




Boise State University will develop a suite of digital products supporting and supplementing human rights education for the secondary grade level (grades 8-12 or ages 13-18) and adult learners. The focus will be on serving underserved, rural communities in the state by designing digital products that use innovative and dynamic approaches to secondary education. These approaches will be aimed at increasing individual resilience to recruitment narratives for hate- and violence-based ideologies, strengthening human rights educational outcomes, and improving individuals’ abilities to understand violent content. Products will be designed with the support and involvement of teachers who will use these classroom resources.

Cherokee Nation 


Type 1: Raising Societal Awareness; Type 2: Understanding Violent Content 




Cherokee Nation will educate and train students, parents, teachers, and community members about violence prevention methods and skills. Cherokee Nation will raise awareness and develop skills to improve school climate and culture. This initiative will provide training for key education stakeholders. Skill development and prevention training facilitated through a School Climate Summit will be held within the Cherokee Nation Reservation.

Colorado Information Analysis Center, Colorado Department of Public Safety 


Type 1: Raising Societal Awareness; Type 3: Civic Engagement; Type 5: Threat Assessment and Management Teams: Type 6: Bystander Training 




The Colorado Information Analysis Center’s Colorado Preventing Targeted Violence (CO-PTV) Program will support violence prevention through multiple avenues. The program will include increasing bystander reporting, supporting new regional targeted violence prevention efforts, and identifying regional champions. The champions will develop behavioral threat assessment and management teams to support and mentor local teams. The program will also connect regional prevention partners to the broader statewide CO-PTV prevention network for greater collaboration and resource sharing.

Anonymous ID: 25f8af Jan. 4, 2024, 12:42 p.m. No.20183149   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Fiscal Year 2023 Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grantee Abstracts


Connecticut Center for School Safety and Crisis Preparation/ Western Connecticut State University  


Type 5: Threat Assessment and Management Team 




The Connecticut Center for School Safety and Crisis Preparation and Western Connecticut State University will expand and enhance capacity for schools in Connecticut to manage school-related threats. They will develop threat assessment teams to support districts in their violence prevention and intervention efforts using the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines model. The Connecticut Center for School Safety and Crisis Preparation will train staff to consult with schools. Additionally, the Center will partner with Safer Schools Together to address digital threats for schools by developing a template and strategy to help districts address threats. They will help districts build capacity to investigate digital threats on social media platforms and help students and parents identify the risks of cyber threats.

Education Services District 123 (Washington) 


Type 1: Raising Societal Awareness; Type 2: Understanding Violent Content; Type 3: Civic Engagement; Type 4: Youth Resilience Programs 




Educational Service District 123, based in Pasco, Washington, will develop two projects providing collaborative solutions that promote learning. The first project will focus on preventing escalation to violence among college students by expanding, supporting, and collaborating with threat assessment and management teams. The second project will focus on preventing escalation to violence among 12-18-year-olds. This project will develop care coordination involving outreach services and case management, youth access to services, parenting and family education, youth resilience programming, and community outreach at school and community events.

Hampton University 


Type 1: Raising Societal Awareness 




Hampton University will develop an evidence-based targeted violence and terrorism prevention (TVTP) plan to raise the Hampton University community’s awareness of the threats posed by various forms of violence. This will include racially motivated violent extremism, terrorism, and gun violence in digital and physical spaces. The project has potential for replication at other Historically Black Colleges and Universities that lack TVTP plans.

Health Quality Partners of Southern California 


Type 5: Threat Assessment and Management Teams 




Health Quality Partners of Southern California, also known as Community Clinics Health Network, will increase reporting of concerning behaviors by developing workplace violence prevention and intervention programs and implementing threat management teams across the membership of Health Center Partners of Southern California (HCP). HCP is an organization of primary care health providers that includes Federally Qualified Health Centers and Tribal Health Programs.

John Jay College 


Type 6: Bystander Training 




Subject matter experts at John Jay College, New York Presbyterian, and the Center on American Law and Extremism will partner to develop a train-the-trainer pilot project on bystander interventions to prevent targeted violence. The training will focus on recognizing behavioral indicators of mobilization to violence and familiarizing audiences with locally available referral mechanisms. They also will develop and launch a website to serve as a repository of information and a resource for bystander training on targeted violence prevention.

Michigan State Police Michigan Intelligence Operations Center


Type 1: Raising Societal Awareness 




The Michigan State Police (MSP) Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC) will deliver in-person community awareness training to 240 law enforcement officers and 5,000 Michigan residents state-wide. They also will create a website and social media campaign and participate in community events to raise awareness of targeted acts of violence in Michigan. They also will raise awareness of how the community can identify and properly refer individuals who may demonstrate behaviors that suggest they may be going down a path toward violence.