looked like some guards, in Native attire, doing a beatdown of those who they percieved as shoplifters who had run a rampage on previous days.
Someoen mentioned it was on the Seminole reservation but I couldn't verify that.
the native Americans were tired of the thug-brat snotty nosed teens ruining their shopping mall so dressed up and went out to do a beatdown.
if it were on their reservation they probably can get away with it.
please note: my statement is a theory, I do not know what really went down, I only watched the video.
most cultures DID NOT require children as sacrifice.
Filtered because
obviously you are obcessed about not being filtered.
you are the narcissist pretending that anyone cares about what you care about and talking as if others are your minions and you're the horrible boss.
obviously you care or you wouldn't go off into an abusive and degenerate scree of insults and acting like the expert.
don't answer back because you'll be filtered, you who really does care but says no one does.
you lie
not only was he filtered, someone else deleted him!
you continue with your slanderous lies.
OK, fair enough.
but the 'pursuit of happiness' isn't really what Jesus was telling people to do, is it?
why should we watch it?
I understand them fairly well already.
they look for membership in a 'tribe' and tehy seek false fellowship and approval and feel that their will is the will of all.
meanwhile the leaders know this is all bunk and use the need for acceptance and approval as a way to control them.
all of the efforts at 'saving the world' are just plans and schemed to profiteer off of requireing the use of certain patented methods that the cabal controls, and to make the people fall farther and farther into debt slavery.
they dispose of the 'true believers' and run a hunger games with their children.
they take some of the children and turn them into thugs and/or sex workers.
some people they reward with success, and it's usually based upon their bloodline and has nothing to do with merit.
they have been running the same 'success' scripts for generations.
you can't make it 'big' in the world of art and entertainment unless you are already very wealthy or if you agree to be the a minion and a slave. Even people who are seemingly at the top in the world of hollywood are just slaves of someone who has all the power and influence.
and some ethnicities are put at the front of the line, and always staffed as managers or 'leaders' even if they are dim bulb imbaciles. They'll tell you how they are smart and earned it on merit but you notice quickly that they are status oriented and obcessed with that.
some people break out of the game and are able to lead meger lives and get ahead anyway.
few who walk away from the HR and 'job' grift ever make it big.
luck sometimes happens, but mostly when you dont' agree to be a slave you have to live on what you already have and no one is going to give you anything except may be relative.
if you are a . . . you go to the head of the line.
having knowledge of interlocks and OSHA it seemed curious to me that they have those devices configured in a way that they could be dangerous.
usually there are all kinds of sensors and gates and big pieces of shatterproof glass engaging such devices.
I hope that they get fined at the maximum for ignoring the safety protocols and removing the interlock circuitry.
well your argument speaks to fear.
I assure you have no fear of these royal-jelly eaters. I used to be a 'striped shirt' and knew what they were on about and walked amoung them, them thinking I was a dupe and an idiot, meanwhile I knew what they were going on about.
they tell you straight forward that you can't trust them.
they tell you how privledged they are. They flaunt their jet set life style.
they think of you as a minion.
I avoid them, I shy from them, I stay away from where they congregate.
I used to think it didn't matter, I'd walk amoung them. Now I understand to get away from them.
they think that their corridors of power are a castle and a domain for them and theres. I see it as a prison in which they are entrapped thinking that they are free.
I had 'demoley' friends who got all the bennies of that. I had other friends who had great wealth and really only were in college for the social scene. I used to walk around at the colleges, and go to their book stores. I used to be at a Summer place where they'd be, as the kid of the guy who didn't get it (my father didn't get it).
anyway ya, still I think I'll pass.