Anonymous ID: e3f6b7 Jan. 5, 2024, 7:51 a.m. No.20187549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7813 >>8067 >>8227

Rocket booster falls from space and crashes in Chinese village

Fri, 5 January 2024 at 4:00 am GMT-8


The China National Space Administration successfully launched two satellites into orbit on December 26. But terrifying footage captured the moment one of the side boosters used to launch the rocket came crashing back down to Earth, exploding in a forest area in extremely close proximity to the homes of horrified villagers.

Anonymous ID: e3f6b7 Jan. 5, 2024, 8:15 a.m. No.20187670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7813 >>8067 >>8227

China completes new commercial launch pad to boost access to space

January 5, 2024


A newly-completed launch pad on China’s Hainan island could increase China’s access to space, boosting national constellation projects and commercial launch plans.


The first launch pad at Hainan Commercial Launch Site was completed Dec. 29. It is the first of two pads which will host liquid propellant launch vehicles.


The development will ease a bottleneck of access to launch facilities for both national and commercial launch service providers and allow Chinese entities to speed up plans to launch a range of constellations. It will also increase China’s ability to deploy and maintain space assets, including remote sensing, communications and other systems, for civil and military purposes.


The new launch pads could help China to transition away from older hypergolic rockets. It could help reduce incidents of booster debris falling around inhabited areas following launches from the country’s inland spaceports of Jiuquan, Taiyuan and Xichang.


A first launch from the pad is expected in the first half of 2024. The next expected Long March 8 launch will be the Queqiao-2 lunar relay satellite. That mission is a prerequisite for China to launch the Chang’e-6, a first-ever lunar far side sample return mission.


Hainan Commercial Launch Site is located near the coastal national Wenchang spaceport on the island province of Hainan in the South China Sea. The latter opened in 2014 and hosts launches of China’s new, large kerosene-liquid oxygen rockets, most notably the Long March 5 series.


Despite its proximity to the national spaceport, the new Wenchang site is considered China’s fifth launch site. The country additionally has sea launch facilities on the coast of the Eastern province of Shandong.


The newly-completed Pad 1 is specifically dedicated to the Long March 8, a newer, kerolox medium-lift rocket, developed by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC), China’s main space contractor.



Anonymous ID: e3f6b7 Jan. 5, 2024, 8:25 a.m. No.20187709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7725 >>7813 >>7820 >>7890 >>8067 >>8227

ISRO successfully tests hydrogen fuel cell in space

Jan 05, 2024


The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully generated power from a hydrogen fuel cell in space as part of a test that could help transform manned space missions.


Having last year announced its aim to establish a fully functioning space station by 2035, India has set its sights on accelerating the development of technology that could make this target a reality.


The project saw ISRO test a 100W class polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell-based power system in its orbital platform, POEM3, launched onboard its PSLV-C58 vehicle on 1st January, 2024.


During the test, the fuel cell generated 180W of power from hydrogen and oxygen gases stored onboard in high pressure vessels.


ISRO was also able to gather a wealth of performance-related data that could facilitate the design of systems for future missions.


The advantages of using hydrogen fuel cells to generate power during space missions extend to their inherent ability to produce energy with only water vapour as a waste product.


“The ability to produce electricity directly from fuels without any intermediate step renders them very efficient,” said ISRO in a statement.


In addition, hydrogen has a high energy density, which means that it can store a lot of energy in a small amount of space. This makes it ideal for use in the confined quarters of spacecraft and space stations.


“Fuel cells can provide range and fuel recharge time equalling that of today’s conventional engine, which gives them a distinct advantage over batteries and are expected to facilitate emission-free transportation.”


Fuel cells have been used as part of space missions since the mid-1960s when NASA used an alkaline fuel cell to generate power for satellites and space capsules.


A PEM fuel cell was used onboard the Gemini V spacecraft which was launched in 1965. The fuel cells were used as the main power source, with silver-zinc batteries used for peak loads.


Cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen tanks stored the reactants for the fuel cells and the water produced by the fuel cells was used for drinking by the astronauts.


The mission marks the latest in a series of extraterrestrial ventures undertaken by India.

Anonymous ID: e3f6b7 Jan. 5, 2024, 8:33 a.m. No.20187746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7813 >>8067 >>8227


Exercise RED SKIES 24 achieved success during its inaugural execution from Dec. 11-15. The exercise represents the U.S. Space Force's latest service exercise, emphasizing the orbital warfare, or OW, discipline, which applies orbital dynamics and satellite flight to Space Force operations.


Hosted by the Space Training and Readiness Command, or STARCOM, through the 392nd Combat Training Squadron, or CTS, the OW-focused exercise provided training for Guardians from Space Operations Command, or SpOC.


The overarching objective of RED SKIES aims to equip Guardians with the skills necessary to respond to potential attacks on U.S. satellite systems.


U.S. Space Force Brig. Gen. Todd Moore, STARCOM deputy commander, described RED SKIES as the first advanced training event enabling Guardians to employ operationally-representative tactics in a dynamic, threat-representative orbital domain, securing the nation's interests in space.


“I can confidently say that this ‘first-ever’ will become a mainstay in how SpOC and STARCOM partner to ensure we achieve the true goals and objectives of advanced training,” Moore said. “There is a lot more to come as we iterate on a capability like this and will drive to include every SpOC Delta that wants to prove they are ready.”


RED SKIES initially took the form of a simulation-based exercise, with plans to transition to live on-orbit operations via satellites in the future, according to U.S. Space Force Lt. Col. Scott Nakatani, 392nd CTS commander.


“Exercise RED SKIES is breaking ground for the U.S. Space Force, creating the environment to practice the skills and planning necessary to protect and defend the space domain,” Nakatani said. “RED SKIES will grow from here, expanding to include more units under realistic command-and-control scenarios with an emphasis on executing coordinated, integrated space sorites. We are building service orbital warfare experience in simulation with an eye on transitioning RED SKIES into the live-fly on-orbit exercise we need as a service.”


The first RED SKIES exercise centered on tactical command and control of multiple satellites, with Guardian operators engaging aggressors to achieve layered space effects.


This experience led to the identification of requirements for enhancing the realism of orbital warfare simulations and refining integrated sortie planning processes.


These lessons will be incorporated into future RED SKIES exercises and shared across U.S. Space Force service exercises, marking a significant advancement for the U.S. Space Force, Nakatani said.


U.S. Space Force Capt. DeShawna Moore, 392nd CTS lead exercise planner, noted the exercise's success and highlighted the integration among multiple deltas to tackle challenging on-orbit scenarios.


“As the lead planner and exercise director for RED SKIES, the exercise was extremely successful,” Moore said. “Integration among multiple deltas to plan through and execute some of the toughest on-orbit problems for layered effects accomplished the exercise’s primary objective. We will take the lessons to make the next execution better.”


The initiation of on-orbit exercises like RED SKIES underscores the evolving nature of military space operations. As the space domain continues to gain importance for national security, these exercises demonstrate the commitment to developing combat-ready forces capable of operating effectively in space.


Moore emphasized the significance of these exercises, stating, “Realistic simulation like this allows us to refine tactical skills that drive us towards tactically relevant thinking … more towards what it means to ensure space superiority – as U.S. Space Force Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman noted in C-Note #14, we are a service and not a ‘combat support agency’ because when directed, the U.S. Space Force may need to control our domain by force.”


“This SKIES event is also helping us define clearer requirements in the future to ensure that the space industry develops the training tools to compete and prevail in our domain,” Moore added. “Competition and combat in space is new and current space capabilities are vulnerable. We need to be equipped and ready for any conflict in, from, or through space. During RED SKIES, these Guardians achieved more for OW readiness than anything else we’ve done to date as a combined STARCOM/SPOC team.”

Anonymous ID: e3f6b7 Jan. 5, 2024, 8:41 a.m. No.20187785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7813 >>7834 >>8067 >>8114 >>8227

China releases footage of Earth taken from space station

20:58, 05-Jan-2024


China Manned Space Agency released footage of the Earth taken from the China Space Station on January 4. The footage shows the scenery of the planet, including the Caspian Sea and China's Xizang Autonomous Region. The space station features a basic three-module configuration consisting of the core module, Tianhe, and two lab modules, Wentian and Mengtian.

Anonymous ID: e3f6b7 Jan. 5, 2024, 8:47 a.m. No.20187809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8067 >>8227

Space Force seeking a digital overhaul of its aging launch infrastructure

January 4, 2024


The U.S. Space Force is soliciting proposals from the private sector for a new initiative — ‘digital spaceport of the future’ — focused on modernizing outdated information systems at the nation’s space launch facilities.


The project is being run by the Space Force’s technology arm SpaceWERX and the Assured Access to Space office that oversees the nation’s space launch ranges, including the world’s busiest spaceport at Cape Canaveral, Florida.


“SpaceWERX, in partnership with Assured Access to Space, is seeking cutting-edge ideas and state-of-the-art capabilities that will advance the United States Space Force’s digital transformation, hardware modernization, and operational enhancement of our current and future spaceports,” said the solicitation.


Decades-old infrastructure


Companies are asked to submit proposals through the DoD Small Business Innovation Research portal. Bidders have to be U.S. firms and comply with other SBIR requirements. SpaceWERX has not yet released specifics on the projected value of contract awards.


“The United States’ current space launch infrastructure was designed in the 1970s and 1980s and pre-dates the Internet,” SpaceWERX said. “While we’re currently able to meet national security space lift missions, our capacity to support public and private sector demand for access to space is falling behind.”


Officials compare the current situation to running a modern business with a rotary phone. Spaceports should “reflect the operational efficiency and agility of the commercial companies it serves,” said the solicitation.


“Accustomed to fast-paced and responsive operations, commercial companies expect the spaceport to offer agile, reliable, and rapid services, a significant shift from the current response times that span weeks, months, or even years.”


The digital spaceport of the future challenge will focus on three areas:


The infrastructure layer: Establish high-quality interfaces between legacy and modern hardware and software, resulting in seamless operability. Ensure compatibility with the existing spaceport infrastructure. Develop a capability for high-capacity supply chains with the capability for rapid launch site migration. Facilitate real-time data access to enable informed decision making. Provide cyber defense mechanisms to protect data integrity and security.


The data layer: Data management represents the most critical deficiency today. Data needs to be “immediately actionable” and managed in a central, secure repository. A key need is compression and encryption methods to enable faster and more secure data transfer across both the open internet and government networks.


The application layer: This requires technologies to provide instant access to standardized data, facilitating internal and external communications to streamline collaborative efforts, and enable the replacement of legacy systems with solutions that allow for easy upgrades.

Anonymous ID: e3f6b7 Jan. 5, 2024, 8:58 a.m. No.20187859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8067 >>8227

Rod Roddenberry on joining his legendary 'Star Trek' parents on Jan. 8 memorial rocket launch (exclusive)

Jan 5, 2024


The famous Roddenberry family is headed to the final frontier.


The DNA of "Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry and his wife, Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, as well as that of their son, Rod, is set to launch Jan. 8, on the debut liftoff of United Launch Alliance's Vulcan Centaur rocket.


The main goals of the flight are to send the private Peregrine moon lander toward Earth's nearest neighbor, and to show that Vulcan Centaur is ready for prime time. But Houston space-memorial company Celestis booked a spot on the rocket as well, for a mission it calls the Enterprise Flight.


Besides preserved DNA samples from Rod and his late parents, the memorial flight includes the cremated remains, memory files and DNA capsules of "Star Trek" icons Nichelle "Uhura" Nichols, James "Scotty" Doohan, and DeForest "Bones" Kelley.


Also going up on Jan. 8 is the DNA of George Washington, Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, Academy Award-winning special effects legend Douglas Trumbull ("2001: A Space Odyssey," "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"), and others. Genetic material of ULA CEO Tory Bruno and his wife Rebecca genetic material will also be aboard. These samples will be carried into deep space, beyond the Earth-moon system. spoke with Rod Roddenberry — who oversees Roddenberry Entertainment and serves as an executive producer on "Star Trek: Discovery," "Star Trek: Picard," "Star Trek: Lower Decks," "Star Trek: Prodigy" and "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" — during the height of the holiday rush. He talked about how his ticket to the stars was punched, what his famous "Star Trek" parents would have thought about this exotic adventure, and what Christmastime was like in the Roddenberry household when Rod was growing up in sunny Los Angeles.



Anonymous ID: e3f6b7 Jan. 5, 2024, 9:07 a.m. No.20187906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7911 >>8037

Internet Is Convinced Aliens Took Over a Miami Mall

January 5, 2024, 8:57 am


Did aliens invade a mall in Miami, Florida?


That’s the hot new rumor on the internet as of Friday morning, and people aren’t just speculating. Many people are downright convinced.


I fired up my computer this morning as always in order to grind out content for all the loyal OutKick readers. Someone has to jump in the trench and do it, and you never know what you might find.


That’s why I was shocked when I saw several topics trending on X related to an alleged alien invasion at a Miami mall.


It all stems from videos showing a massive police presence at Bayside Marketplace. Four minors were arrested Monday night after allegedly setting off fireworks in the mall and sparking a massive panic, according to NBC Miami. A person in the area believed a mass shooting was unfolding and that resulted in a huge police response, according to the same report.


Well, people on X aren’t buying it and believe a cover up is underway to hide the fact aliens as large as 10 feet tall were engaged in a shootout.


In fact, people are so convinced that “aliens” remains a top trending term on X several days after the arrests were made.