Anonymous ID: a72dbb Jan. 5, 2024, 1:15 p.m. No.20189448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9456 >>9466


It's turning out to be a Don Quixote kinda year.?


In 1897, the Kaiser-Friedrich-Museums-Verein, a sponsor of the Gemäldegalerie Berlin, purchased the masterpiece “Man in a Gold Helmet” as an original work by Rembrandt. Less than 100 years later, in the 1970s, it came to light as part of the “Rembrandt Research Project” initiated in 1968 that the painting was created by someone close to Rembrandt, but not by him. Since 1986, the painting has literally no longer been considered a “Rembrandt”. But it surely remains a masterpiece.

Anonymous ID: a72dbb Jan. 5, 2024, 1:32 p.m. No.20189531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9558 >>9727 >>9763 >>9798 >>9819


Libs of TikTok


🚨 SHOCKING REPORT: A middle school mom went undercover at @LakelandCSD

to expose the shocking material they were teaching students and how the principal covered it up.


Students were given resources on se dolls, herpes home testing, peis enlargers, and groping. They were also given a personality test which included questions about their seuality and seual activity.


The principal claimed it was taken care of but then the mom found disturbing material available again.


The teacher claimed the program he used recently changed and he had no idea this material was there but it’s been there since 2017!


Parents, do you know what materials your kids have access to at school and on their school devices?


Footage and report from @SageOps_

7:28 AM · Jan 5, 2024




Anonymous ID: a72dbb Jan. 5, 2024, 1:36 p.m. No.20189550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9886


[ Album ]

Remember when the government could meticulously track every citizen's movement during COVID-19 through cellphone data, yet the FBI couldn't seem to locate a single customer of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell?


Why has the FBI and DOJ failed to take down any co-conspirator of the most prolific child sex traffickers in American history, who installed hidden cameras at their properties to blackmail the world's most powerful people?


The Epstein and Maxwell case is precisely why trust in the FBI and DOJ has crumbled among Americans.


This should have been the most extensive child sex trafficking conspiracy case ever pursued, resulting in the arrest of every client and co-conspirator involved in exploiting children with Epstein and Maxwell.


Instead, it has become the epitome of the FBI and DOJ shielding the powerful, even when their crimes involve preying on innocent children.



Anonymous ID: a72dbb Jan. 5, 2024, 1:52 p.m. No.20189637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9656 >>9712


Catherine Herridge


$500,000 Reward Remains in Effect for Info Capitol Hill Pipe Bomber. @CBSNews

first reported on the discovery of the devices. While FBI says pipe bombs were planted night before at RNC + DNC, law enforcement analysis identified 60 minute timers. Original flash alert 👇



3:12 PM · Jan 4, 2024




Anonymous ID: a72dbb Jan. 5, 2024, 1:59 p.m. No.20189677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9727 >>9763 >>9798 >>9819


John Solomon


Third Epstein document dump: Former driver recalls taking girls to Epstein's home | Just The News

Jeffrey Epstein, Sept. 4, 2004 | Rick Friedman/Corbis via Getty Images


10:23 AM · Jan 5, 2024




Anonymous ID: a72dbb Jan. 5, 2024, 2:03 p.m. No.20189705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9727 >>9763 >>9798 >>9819


Republican US Rep. Doug Lamborn of Colorado

announces he won’t seek reelection


Associated Press, by Staff


Posted By: Dodge Boy, 1/5/2024 3:18:20 PM


Republican U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn of Colorado announced Friday that he won’t seek a 10th term in Congress in the latest shakeup of Colorado’s U.S. House races for the 2024 election. Lamborn, who represents the Colorado Springs area, about an hour south of Denver, talked about his plans to retire at the end of 2024 on a radio show Friday morning, saying he wants to spend more time with family. His planned departure comes on the heels of Republican U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert’s announcement last week that she’s running in a different district, where the seat’s been left open after Republican U.S. Rep. Ken Buck said he wouldn’t run again.

Anonymous ID: a72dbb Jan. 5, 2024, 2:04 p.m. No.20189713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9727 >>9763 >>9798 >>9819


Ohio Governor Signs Emergency Order Banning

Child Transition Surgeries after Vetoing

Similar Bill


National Review, by Caroline Downey



Posted By: Dreadnought, 1/5/2024 3:01:18 PM


Republican Ohio governor Mike DeWine issued an “emergency” executive order Friday banning child gender-transition surgeries after receiving intense backlash last week for vetoing a bill with a broader but similar mandate. Dubbed the SAFE Act, the original bill that DeWine rejected would have also prohibited physicians from prescribing cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking medicine to kids. The legislation also banned men in women’s sports, offering a legal recourse to students forced to play against the opposite sex. The new order would bar physicians from performing gender-transition surgeries, such as mastectomies and hysterectomies, on kids in Ohio’s hospitals and health-care facilities.

Anonymous ID: a72dbb Jan. 5, 2024, 2:07 p.m. No.20189729   🗄️.is 🔗kun


FBI is demanded to release HUNDREDS of

'missing' Jeffrey Epstein documents including

tapes, CDs, passports and pictures raided

from his $51 million NYC townhouse amid

suspicions pedo was linked to Mossad


Daily Mail (UK), by Bethan Sexton



Posted By: Imright, 1/5/2024 1:57:32 PM


The FBI is facing fresh calls to release hundreds of 'missing' pieces of evidence raided from Jeffrey Epstein's $51 million New York townhouse following the release of a new list of his associates. Among the items said to be missing are tapes, CDs, passports and pictures all located inside a safe within the property during a siege on the home in July 2019, shortly after Epstein was arrested. It comes as speculation continues to swirl that Epstein was working as an agent for Israeli intelligence agency Mossad prior to his suicide while awaiting trial for child sex offences.

Anonymous ID: a72dbb Jan. 5, 2024, 2:08 p.m. No.20189734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9743 >>9746 >>9761 >>9763 >>9791 >>9798 >>9819




Hillary Clinton has been named as a witness in the Jeffrey Epstein court documents.


This should be no shock.


Erik Prince went on the record in 2016 and claimed that the NYPD found evidence on Anthony Weiner’s laptop that she went to Epstein’s pedophile island at least six times.


That laptop also had evidence that Hillary and associates were involved in sex crimes against children!




10:56 AM · Jan 5, 2024




Anonymous ID: a72dbb Jan. 5, 2024, 2:09 p.m. No.20189744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9763 >>9798 >>9819


Libs of TikTok


Did you know that Texas A&M has a campus in Qatar which is fully funded and controlled by Qatar? Additionally, Qatar OWNS all the intellectual property developed on campus including sensitive research in computer science and bioengineering.


So a top American nuclear engineering program is tied with the Country who harbors terrorists which hate the West.


What could go wrong?! Why does Qatar have so much influence in our Universities?



10:48 AM · Jan 5, 2024




Anonymous ID: a72dbb Jan. 5, 2024, 2:13 p.m. No.20189759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9798 >>9819


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes


Who protected many on Epstein list? Most powerful publicist Leslee Dart.



11:29 PM · Jan 4, 2024





Leslee Dart. As news anchor Rosanna Scotto explains in Episode 3 of Allen v. Farrow, Woody Allen has a “very powerful PR machine” that’s long helped to shield him from Dylan Farrow’s allegation that he sexually assaulted her when she was 7.

Anonymous ID: a72dbb Jan. 5, 2024, 2:23 p.m. No.20189806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9811 >>9816 >>9819 >>9842




🚨BREAKING: @FreeBeacon

has uncovered a confidential list revealing Media Matters' major contributors.


Brace yourself for this shocking surprise — they're all Democratic megadonors.


• Deborah J. Simon: $4,000,000

• Gill Foundation: $2,970,000

• Josh and Anita Bekenstein: $1,750,000

• Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation: $1,900,000

• Susan T. Buffett Foundation: $1,751,199


Media Matters, the brainchild of Clinton loyalist David Brock, calls itself a media watchdog but operates as a DNC front group orchestrating advertiser boycotts and suppressing free speech on social media.


In a shocking federal lawsuit, a Media Matters employee obsessively refreshed a fringe video on @rumblevideo

over 70 times until he found a Netflix ad that could be used as fodder for a public pressure campaign.


Despite being the sole viewer of that Netflix ad next to the fringe video, Media Matters falsely insinuated in an article that Netflix ads frequently accompanied fringe content on Rumble, coercing advertisers to abandon the platform.


On @X

, Media Matters accessed accounts active for 30 days, bypassing ad filters for new users, and selectively followed accounts with fringe content and those owned by X's major corporate advertisers.


After repeatedly scrolling and refreshing their timeline - 13 more times than an average user - they generated screenshots of fringe content next to X's top advertisers.


Media Matters' defamation was so fabricated that IBM, Comcast, and Oracle had their ads appear next to fringe content for just one account—an employee of Media Matters—out of over 550 million active users on @X



Media Matters conveniently left out these details in their reporting, sidestepping the fact that their reporters manipulated the platform to create fringe content next to major corporate advertisers.


Why are Democratic megadonors like @GillFoundation

, @Josh_Bekenstein

, and @BuffettScholars

financially supporting these clearly deceptive, malicious tactics aimed at stifling free speech on the internet?



11:22 AM · Jan 5, 2024


