Anonymous ID: ee418b Jan. 5, 2024, 8:49 p.m. No.20192465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2478



#24777-A >>20191570


>>20191599 President Trump: Together we stood up to the failed establishment, the corrupt media, we stood up to the Deep State, the globalists, the warmongers, the Wall Street special interests, the open borders fanatics, and the radical-left, and we achieved more than any administration, just about in the history of our country.

>>20191621 President Trump: Unlike every other candidate in the race, with me you know that in your heart, I am the only one that puts America First. I put America First. And with God's help, I will get the job done like I did before.

>>20191700 President Trump: Looks at these scenes of millions of people coming across our border. I think it's going to be fifteen or sixteen million people. That's more than New York state…it's horrible. People are going into schools now; they're occupying schools, they don't speak the language, they don't even know what the language is, and they are sitting with your children in schools. They're occupying the hospital beds; and look, we all have a heart, we don't want that to happen, we don't want bad people to be hurt, but they shouldn't be coming here, and the way they don't come here, is you say, 'sorry, we can't take you', so when they do come, you don't feel so bad about turning them back. But we accept everybody, and we can't take care of them. It's unsustainable for a country. This is the largest illegal mass-migration in history.

>>20191846 President Trump: Nikki Haley would also sell you out and grant amnesty to Biden's illegal aliens in her very first… She said, 'I will give them amnesty'. You know how many people come into the country through legal means, and sometimes it takes them ten years, and they have to study…they have to love our country. And now you have people just pouring across the border.

>>20191862 President Trump: Sadly, the establishment losers and sellouts, lagging far behind us in the republican primary, can not be trusted on taxes, trade, or anything else. They're globalists, and they always will be globalists. You now, when you're a globalist; something wrong with that, because it really hurts our country…history will show that there's nothing you can do to change them and they will betray you just like they betrayed me.

>>20191902 President Trump: Under the Trump administration, you were better off, your family was better off, your neighbors were better off, your communities were better off, and our country was better off. America was stronger, richer, safer, and more confident than ever, when you had me behind that beautiful resolute desk in the Oval Office

>>20191944 President Trump: The boxes; how about the boxes hoax? Biden has fifteen times the number of boxes over fifty years, and he took it when he was a senator. He wasn't allowed to do that. He took it when he was a vice president. He wasn't allowed. I have the Presidential Records Act. I'm allowed to do it. I'm allowed. All that stuff is a hoax. It's a big hoax. And they'll let him get away with it…he has it under his crummy Corvette…I wonder who gave him that car. Which country gave him that car….the Corvette runs over papers from China. It's very interesting. Classified information from China. He send s it to Chinatown. What's that all about? And then it gets sent from Chinatown, all over the place.

>>20191962 President Trump: If we didn't win, I think the stock market would be 19; I think it's going to be 1929 depression if we don't win.

>>20191998 President Trump: Unlike Crooked Joe, who wants to dramatically increase the estate tax, or the death tax; I virtually eliminated the unfair death tax. I did eliminate it essentially for almost everybody in this room, saving countless family farms and small businesses from destruction.

>>20192056 President Trump: We will turn the page forever on the days of foolish, never-ending wars, that squander American blood and treasure in distant foreign lands, and we will restore Peace Through Strength. We can do it very easily. We don't have to go out and lose our young people and our wealth.

>>20192069 President Trump: Just as I did before, I will appoint strong, highly-qualified, pro-Constitution Supreme Court Justices, who will interpret the law as written.

>>20192081 President Trump: We're also going to federalize Washington, DC. It's become hell on Earth…we're going to take over Washington, DC, and we're going to make it great again. We're going to make it beautiful and safe.

Anonymous ID: ee418b Jan. 5, 2024, 8:49 p.m. No.20192466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2475 >>2478



#24777-B >>20191570

>>20191801 Paul Sperry: While serving as president, Joe Biden personally spoke with donor Kevin Morris as Hunter was under investigation and Morris was bailing his son out of a $2 million IRS jam; while at same time, Joe's brother Jimmy Biden privately met with Morris

>>20191612 State Bill to Remove Joe Biden from 2024 Election Ballot is Filed in Missouri

>>20191614 Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew visited Epstein's Palm Beach lair where Duke had DAILY massages and stayed in 'blue room'

>>20191696 Bill Clinton Involved In Murder, International Crack Cocaine Trafficking Alongside The CIA, Raping Underage Children With Jeffrey Epstein On Epstein Island

>>20191713 Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak who allegedly had s*x with an Epstein victim.

>>20191867 Nearly 17,000 people across six countries may have died because they took hydroxychloroquine (HQC) during the first wave of COVID-19 in 2020

>>20192040 PDJT: Biden is a manchurian candidate, he is paid off by China

>>20192043 France’s biggest supermarket chains, will stop selling PepsiCo products because they have become too expensive

>>20192065 Dropout Jeep

>>20192071 Cernovich: There Were 'No Revelations' in Jeffrey Epstein Documents Because FBI 'Lost' His Safe

>>20192112 Jeffrey Epstein's employee, Nadia Marcinkova invoked 5th at least 42 times, including questions about Bill Clinton: documents


>>20192331 FBI is demanded to release HUNDREDS of 'missing' Jeffrey Epstein documents including tapes, CDs, passports and pictures raided from his $51 million NYC townhouse amid suspicions pedo was linked to Mossad

>>20192348 Dershowitz: "Secret" Emails About Underage Sex Allegations Will Put "Prominent People in Handcuffs"

Anonymous ID: ee418b Jan. 5, 2024, 8:57 p.m. No.20192494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2497 >>2504




#24777-A >>20191570


>>20191599 President Trump: Together we stood up to the failed establishment, the corrupt media, we stood up to the Deep State, the globalists, the warmongers, the Wall Street special interests, the open borders fanatics, and the radical-left, and we achieved more than any administration, just about in the history of our country.

>>20191621 President Trump: Unlike every other candidate in the race, with me you know that in your heart, I am the only one that puts America First. I put America First. And with God's help, I will get the job done like I did before.

>>20191700 President Trump: Looks at these scenes of millions of people coming across our border. I think it's going to be fifteen or sixteen million people. That's more than New York state…it's horrible. People are going into schools now; they're occupying schools, they don't speak the language, they don't even know what the language is, and they are sitting with your children in schools. They're occupying the hospital beds; and look, we all have a heart, we don't want that to happen, we don't want bad people to be hurt, but they shouldn't be coming here, and the way they don't come here, is you say, 'sorry, we can't take you', so when they do come, you don't feel so bad about turning them back. But we accept everybody, and we can't take care of them. It's unsustainable for a country. This is the largest illegal mass-migration in history.

>>20191846 President Trump: Nikki Haley would also sell you out and grant amnesty to Biden's illegal aliens in her very first… She said, 'I will give them amnesty'. You know how many people come into the country through legal means, and sometimes it takes them ten years, and they have to study…they have to love our country. And now you have people just pouring across the border.

>>20191862 President Trump: Sadly, the establishment losers and sellouts, lagging far behind us in the republican primary, can not be trusted on taxes, trade, or anything else. They're globalists, and they always will be globalists. You now, when you're a globalist; something wrong with that, because it really hurts our country…history will show that there's nothing you can do to change them and they will betray you just like they betrayed me.

>>20191902 President Trump: Under the Trump administration, you were better off, your family was better off, your neighbors were better off, your communities were better off, and our country was better off. America was stronger, richer, safer, and more confident than ever, when you had me behind that beautiful resolute desk in the Oval Office

>>20191944 President Trump: The boxes; how about the boxes hoax? Biden has fifteen times the number of boxes over fifty years, and he took it when he was a senator. He wasn't allowed to do that. He took it when he was a vice president. He wasn't allowed. I have the Presidential Records Act. I'm allowed to do it. I'm allowed. All that stuff is a hoax. It's a big hoax. And they'll let him get away with it…he has it under his crummy Corvette…I wonder who gave him that car. Which country gave him that car….the Corvette runs over papers from China. It's very interesting. Classified information from China. He send s it to Chinatown. What's that all about? And then it gets sent from Chinatown, all over the place.

>>20191962 President Trump: If we didn't win, I think the stock market would be 19; I think it's going to be 1929 depression if we don't win.

>>20191998 President Trump: Unlike Crooked Joe, who wants to dramatically increase the estate tax, or the death tax; I virtually eliminated the unfair death tax. I did eliminate it essentially for almost everybody in this room, saving countless family farms and small businesses from destruction.

>>20192056 President Trump: We will turn the page forever on the days of foolish, never-ending wars, that squander American blood and treasure in distant foreign lands, and we will restore Peace Through Strength. We can do it very easily. We don't have to go out and lose our young people and our wealth.

>>20192069 President Trump: Just as I did before, I will appoint strong, highly-qualified, pro-Constitution Supreme Court Justices, who will interpret the law as written.

>>20192081 President Trump: We're also going to federalize Washington, DC. It's become hell on Earth…we're going to take over Washington, DC, and we're going to make it great again. We're going to make it beautiful and safe.

>>20192102 President Trump: We're also going to fight to give you much better healthcare than Obamacare, which is a disaster…because it's so expensive…you're going to have much better healthcare at a much lower price. You don't have that now.

Anonymous ID: ee418b Jan. 5, 2024, 8:58 p.m. No.20192497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2504 >>2561

>>20192494 #24777-A

#24777-B >>20191570

>>20191801 Paul Sperry: While serving as president, Joe Biden personally spoke with donor Kevin Morris as Hunter was under investigation and Morris was bailing his son out of a $2 million IRS jam; while at same time, Joe's brother Jimmy Biden privately met with Morris

>>20191612 State Bill to Remove Joe Biden from 2024 Election Ballot is Filed in Missouri

>>20191614 Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew visited Epstein's Palm Beach lair where Duke had DAILY massages and stayed in 'blue room'

>>20191696 Bill Clinton Involved In Murder, International Crack Cocaine Trafficking Alongside The CIA, Raping Underage Children With Jeffrey Epstein On Epstein Island

>>20191713 Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak who allegedly had s*x with an Epstein victim.

>>20191867 Nearly 17,000 people across six countries may have died because they took hydroxychloroquine (HQC) during the first wave of COVID-19 in 2020

>>20192040 PDJT: Biden is a manchurian candidate, he is paid off by China

>>20192043 France’s biggest supermarket chains, will stop selling PepsiCo products because they have become too expensive

>>20192065 Dropout Jeep

>>20192071 Cernovich: There Were 'No Revelations' in Jeffrey Epstein Documents Because FBI 'Lost' His Safe

>>20192112 Jeffrey Epstein's employee, Nadia Marcinkova invoked 5th at least 42 times, including questions about Bill Clinton: documents


>>20192331 FBI is demanded to release HUNDREDS of 'missing' Jeffrey Epstein documents including tapes, CDs, passports and pictures raided from his $51 million NYC townhouse amid suspicions pedo was linked to Mossad

>>20192348 Dershowitz: "Secret" Emails About Underage Sex Allegations Will Put "Prominent People in Handcuffs"