Saturday mass…you ass
Church on Sunday…cause Pope says so.
You really suck at this
Just when I thought the machine
Could not lose ground on learned things
You win
You gained absolute moron status
Have a gold star
I am aware ..that you have your thing
However….if you want peeps to accept your
Opinion…must be palatable
And lastly …when teaching
Start at the beginning
This will be you soon
Granny does Rob zombie..kek
If you are trying to save the world from stupidity……you are a bad mutha
Fighting a losing battle
Ya just can't fix stupid
You are proof
Well….dont even want to get into the division crap but
Dude has a valid point
Just can't use it
Look at weather " forecasters"
in last few years
One of the few things I miss
From running big jobs…
Is calling out the " experts"..shit always works on paper. ..
Or telling the multi millionaires….NO…
When did the airlines
Start calling
Souls on board
Passengers…..i smell a big pile
Parts falling off. Cool
It's sad
Your groove has a kink
And it's not what you think
Uninformed conclusions are
Not getting you very far
That's ok …hes a good boy
Have a gold star.