34 days woulbe feb 9th, day after Supremes take up Colorado case. Maybe Iran's "nuke" is information.
Read some of the docs randomly, ok, the batch of 29 from the 4th. Impressions: There is not a moment in any deposition where this is not a gaslighting bitch. Also, the used MindSpring as an isp before EarthLink got going. Wondering if that CEO was a frequent flyer.
There is a redacted name of a woman that apparently has no vowel, and for some reason in 2015 emails g was trying to get jeffy to say that Ms no vowel in name was his girlfriend. To take the heat off the procurement and underage thing.
Not a moment in any deposition where gizzlane is not a gaslighting bitch.
Also, Ms. no vowel in name was to be asked if she would agree in 2015 that she had been jeffy's gf during a certain time much earlier., 2002 or so?
"the fuel doesn't last very long"
Today he says they are inches away.
Names require so much cognitive overhead.
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