Anonymous ID: 88423d July 3, 2018, 6:42 p.m. No.2020117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0171


First, nice digits


Second, how many coincidences do we need before we acknowledge that Jews (no not all, just speaking generally) position themselves as opponents to Western civilization, to free peoples everywhere, by their actions and by the policies they advocate/fund?


Noticing isn't hate.

Free association isn't hate.

Questioning divided loyalties isn't hate.

Governance of one's own people isn't hate.

Time to wake up, goy.

The struggle is real.

>>2019194 lb

Anonymous ID: 88423d July 3, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.2020266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0292


>Everyone here knows about jews

Was posting for newfags, not preaching to the choir anon. Many lurkers, and they will be more confused about the JQ than anything, because shills post the most confusing shit about it.

>>1992408 pb

Q posting ^^this^^ was a big deal. What other topics has Ben cartooned? It's our job to help the normies understand the full nature of the problem.

>We came here for a reason

Anonymous ID: 88423d July 3, 2018, 7:02 p.m. No.2020419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0457


Thanks man.


Look newfags, if you're here it's because you've already figured out we've been lied to by the media, that if you want the real truth you have to look for it yourselves, research the details yourselves. The minute you hand that power over to someone else you give them the power to lie to you and enslave you with those lies.


We autists call "research" diggs. So when you come up to something confusing or distressing, as the Jewish Question (JQ) is to most of us that have been conditioned to feel shame for an alleged attempted genocide of the Jewish people, don't pre-judge as you've been brainwashed to do, STOP. QUESTION. WONDER. THEN DIGG.


Keep in mind, those of us that are Jew woke don't want to hurt or punish any innocent people, we do not activate collective punishment. We just want all our governments and influential institutions, in all nations, drained of individuals with secret, subversive motives as evidenced by their treasonous actions. We advocate for light being shone and individual accountability.