I would say no. I would dig on Margolis. If Schools was called BACK to replace him, then Schools is an absolute swamp rat.
Pertinent info:
Margolis was put into position by one of our MOST evil Presidents, Johnson.
Margolis had been there 50 YEARS
You are looking at the shadow government who was LITERALLY running the Dept Of Injustice for the last 50 years!
Quotes from article worth mentioning:
In recent decades he was in the middle of many of the Justice Department’s biggest mobster, political corruption, espionage and terrorism investigations. He often examined high-level cases in which the government’s own conduct was called into question, including the suicide of the Clinton White House aide Vince Foster in 1993, the leaking of the C.I.A. agent Valerie Plame’s name in 2003, and the botched corruption prosecution of Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska in 2008.
In perhaps his biggest test, he intervened in 2010 in a furious long-running dispute over the legal basis for the brutal interrogation tactics used by the C.I.A. against terrorism suspects after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
The Justice Department’s ethics lawyers had concluded that John C. Yoo and Jay S. Bybee, two of the department lawyers responsible for legal opinions authorizing brutal tactics like waterboarding, demonstrated “professional misconduct” and should be sanctioned.
But Mr. Margolis overruled that decision and concluded that their legal memos authorizing the tactics, while flawed, were tempered by the “context” of the frenzied period when they were written.
And also….
"David Margolis was the United States Department of Justice,” Mr. Comey said in a statement after his passing."
ANONS…with Schools removed we are left with [[[RR]]]!