everyone knows that you can't run a nation with a jaded and clueless and talented aristocracy hogging all the top positions.
they ought to admit it and divest.
but it might be too late for them by now.
and then all their relatives and friends will suffer due to those who believe the lies "I'm smart, I'm talented. I got this on merit"
own up and the consequences will be far far less eggrigious.
and their 'frens' who they let in by the millions (those who block the highways) are ready for bear.
those of us who want peace stand off in the distance and watch. And some of us get mouthy but we don't want anyone getting hurt.
but it's not up to us.
they ought to own up to what they did, do the whole 'reeducation' thing like they demand of others on themselves, give up their false narratives of victim hood, and go back to the pious ways of their ancestors.
there are plenty of their relatives who are appauled by the behavior of the sex-cult tocracy of their griftish power mongering relatives who
can teach them the ancient holy ways.
if only they'd wake up and stop being 'proud' they might save themselves a lot of bad times.
(the world is going to say 'this one, not that one, and won't do an ethnic deal. The individuals will have to face their own private situation, and there won't be a collective guilt situation, because the rest of us won't let that happen.
but the proud cabal marxists in DC and Europe/Asia need to stand down.