an tahn jfk juw tranny pulled mickey mouse out his assho bordur an stuck it his fruntbutt assho bordur all for a larp
an tahn incest survivor admits to call his fruntbutt melania
butt volcano church tries to insult gahycowboy church before kangaroo audit
taco ta fuque D
gay fag faggot fiddeler pants revival
gay fag faggot fiddeler pants white powduh pride fayk proxy faux war
moral nihilst needs tehy hookur money lebowski
tom jfk juw tranny hanks fault
fresh baldwin soup all gahy day
bofo itunes
tom hanks fault
moar tom hanks fault references
brass horn march
lurn moar bout how tuf bagina is
draccos sangin fo tacos an cracker puns in the eighties yo
jfk has one moar tom hanks fault false catharsis fart left damn it
synchronised bagina heteros smockin faggots
faggy french juw slaver tighty wighty junkie parade soundtrack nostalgia #XXXtraunkkkLfuka
ass for sale
ass still for sale