>when a post starts with 'trust me' one knows that it's a larper making up stuff.
Wrong, I was a ground zero worker and the one who put his life on the line to warn PDJT about all this upcoming chaos of which they attempted to kill me twice on that day. It is an expression, so there is your proof that I did both of these things for the benefit of others not for myself.
Just so you know, the Armor of God that Q refers to, is about me because on that day only God could have saved me. The cops tried to give me a heart attack by cuffing one hand and keeping the other loose and the hospital gave me a lethal injection and the doctor was mocking me to my face as I held my breath to fight off the poison. God called me by his name on that day. It would be nice if PDJT would verify this to you all, I am sure it was all recorded.