Glencore PLC and the securities posted about previously in previous bread or two back…
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But to experts, there’s simply no other way for a company like Glencore to thrive. “Unlike the case with many industries, minerals and energy are often owned by the state in Third World countries,” said Michael Ross, author of The Oil Curse and a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. “And in a number of countries where Glencore operates, doing business means putting money into the pockets of repressive governments and corrupt rulers. In some of those places … it’s hard to draw a line between what’s legally corrupt and what’s not.”
and a bit down…
THE FRONTIERS ARE GLENCORE’S GROWTH engine, and nowhere more so than the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the poster child of the resource-cursed failed state. Doing business there is all but impossible without a well-connected political patron, and Glencore’s partner in Kinshasa is perhaps the most wired of them all: Dan Gertler, an Israeli businessman known for his intimate ties to President Joseph Kabila.