>>2020528 LOL many been fucked by such attitude…you dont understand American Law. new crime supersedes previuos crimes, and agreements. evil guys lied to evil guys, as a defense, probably, while entertaining on TV, will only be on TV becuase Awan is so stupid, And his attorneys just used him. I hope awan, and wife, both hang.
Q just wants jounalists to do the life they trained for. look at evidence, dont worry about income. do the right thing, Q wants journalists to do the calling of reporting the news! be a Journalist!
Journalists, you are anonoymist here, tell us YOUR story! i cant spell, dont hold it against me
>>2020774 wrong…we need to ask help , we need them to do thier calling..if enough in small groups talk amongst themelves, the journalists can dictate the message of thier venue, the TITLE, the whole organization.!!
Executive,Judical, and Legalslative, and the Press. !st admendment protects you. Do the right thing…investigate, and reort truthfully. That will make you a biline for years to come…or not. First step, for a journalist, what do I wanta do?
we ….WE…want journalists to do thier job. America needs Journalists. We stand by journalists , if they even attempt the truth as they see it.
what is the name of journalists that have been written in history? and why was that?
Jounalists, you have lives of Children in your hands, what you write, effects championing for the children. see evidence, draw your conclusions, and..we implore you…write what you see.
Jounalists, if you dont write what you see, when data is common knowledge, your byline will be worth a used tampon.
guess my r and u keys fucked up
the Weight of the entire Constituion is on Journalists. Does America still have people of Integrity?
Jounalists, you can ask questions here anomyously,do so. if you labeled as a fag…keep going, label is just a test of self worth.
Journalists…just look a Q posts for suggestions of where to even look. Q is here only show , highlight what is common source, and what money controls as to what is told to the public that wants to trust what journalists write about. Stand up, do your job!!