Tell a cop to ‘have a nice day’, or even a ‘thank you for your service’… and he’ll be ready to beat you to death for your ID so he can write up his Report.
“Share this [blood thirsty] video with all your friends” said the man ready to go to war even with American Christians.
What a fooking mess!
Gobble gobble that blue cock until you can’t gobble no more.
A ‘request’ is not Law, and a stupid motherfucker in a costume asking me for ID without an injured person or some damaged property is DEFINITELY NO LAWMAN at all. Maybe his brave and courageous bullets of Authority get the drop on me… he can then dig my ID out of my cold dead pockets.
Doin best iz can, dear frenz le Pepe.
Your slobbering submission to fraudulent Authority is disgusting and Treason to the Constitution. Thus (you) and I have no “Terms”. GFY
That’s just the kind of POS needed to turn his own guns upon his own city… to blame Russia Russia Russia!
I think that guy doesn’t care who dies, so long as people are dying so he can blame Russia and keep his own venal interest obscured.
Trump will not be able to avoid this indefinitely.
I do hope that it is not some kind of ego-thing which is hindering him. I hope and pray for him to have the Greater-Goods and STOP this shit ASAP, or Balls of Divinity to blast the ass out of the devil himself.
Otherwise there simply is no Voting Harder this Autumn.