The Epstein list, their difficulty blending in here, them being spotted on other platforms due to vocabulary and posting patterns, their narratives being removed here. It's a steady decline from them. It's going to be a good week. Perhaps they'll try "punishing" Anons because they recognized those Anons, ruining the shell game they're trying to play. Shills try and blend in, the QR Anons that stand up to them stand out. It was inevitable.
Show the work, don't just claim it was done last night and then not show proof of it. Provide a link to the bread, the post, whatever. Otherwise you just look like you're trying to mislead.
I should have realized it's just the latest and greatest retadery from VaticanTard, the typical generic NPC slide shill on QR. Begone from my sight.
Same idiot that does the fontfagging, same undertone, same arguments, same retard. Just another shell game they play with personas.
No, I wouldn't go that far. The real saving is being done behind the scenes by the people doing the real heavy lifting, putting themselves in harms way, not just copypasting memes and links on an image board from the safety of their house. I copypaste moar memes than I make meme opposed to farming.
KEK… Adding twos to filenames. SmokingPepe said he used AI to draw so draw with AI and add 2 to the end of the filename.
If you didn't care you wouldn't have had a spastic response to prove to everyone, especially me, that you're the big mean bad ass that doesn't care. I think you just outed yourself due to mocking your tactics.
You're sick, Loretta. I don't think there's any hope for you now.
Your vitriol and arguments you try using on me say otherwise.
NikkiShill is MuhGuhGaytriot.
No, not retarded, just able to see you.
He also posted pro-Nikki stuff as well. He's playing both sides in my opinion.
That's a valid point. KEK!
You'd get a mouthful of loose teeth and broken bones before you even got within 100 feet of him, Special Agent Gaytriot. Then your own size 13 would be shoved up your ass.
The documents mention nothing of sex tapes involving POTUS Trump but that's not stopping the fake news propaganda machine it seems.
>what is up with Dan today?
Couldn't tell you. He was going off on Alina, now Dan. I suspect it has something to do with targeting in POTUS Trump's circle. Either way, it's just retarded noise.
Kinda stupid, but my prayers involve sharing my armor with everyone on the line, and those that are out in front in the public eye. I'm not a religious guy by any means, it's been decades since I've been to a church, but even if it's not real, it can't hurt. It's the sentiment that counts.
All they have is fake, Anon. Fake news, fake personas, fake narratives, fake support. They're standing on a foundation of lies.
It definitely is. They're being exposed for the frauds and evil that they really are. That's winning, no ifs ands or buts.