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Biologist Blows Whistle: Covid Shots Killed 17 Million People

Frank BergmanJanuary 7, 2024 -


A world-renowned biologist has blown the whistle with explosive allegations against globalist power elites and the pharmaceutical industry.


Biologist Bret Weinstein dropped several bombshells during a new interview with independent news anchor Tucker Carlson.


While raising the alarm about the power grab of the United Nations (UN) World Health Organization (WHO), Weinstein left Carlson stunned when he stated how many people have died from Covid mRNA injections.


He cited scientific evidence that shows 17 million died globally as a result of the shots.


“So I’m not a math genius, but one in eight hundred shots times billions is a lot of people…17 million deaths from the Covid vaccine?” Carlson asked.


“Just for perspective: I mean, that’s like the death toll of a global war,” Carlson noted.


“Yes, absolutely,” Weinstein said.


“This is a great tragedy of history.


“So that proportion.”


“And, amazingly, there is no way in which it’s over,”Weinstein continued to explain to Carlson.


“I mean, we are still apparently recommending these things for healthy children, who never stood any chance of getting any benefit from it.


“Every chance of suffering harms that are not only serious but tragic on the basis that children have long lives ahead of them.


“If you ruin a child’s immune system in youth, they have to spend the rest of the presumably shortened life in that state.


“So, it never made any sense that we were giving these to kids in the first place.”


Weinstein also warns that pandemics and mass vaccination rollouts are all part of the UN’s ultimate agenda to install itself as an unelected single-world government.


As Slay News has reported, the WHO is currently drafting its “Pandemic Treaty” that will be signed by all UN member states.


The agreement will grant the unelected United Nations health agency with disturbing new levels of global authority.


UN member nations, including the United States, have confirmed that they intend to sign the “Global Pandemic Treaty” in 2024.…