That's the biggest crock of shit
Monica was the sex kitty
The cover up was all the dead investors and things… is and has been shit for years
That's the biggest crock of shit
Monica was the sex kitty
The cover up was all the dead investors and things… is and has been shit for years
I'm about to break
Chester knew
They killed him too
No they are made in China like all the other shit
Go look for my brother bill ?
Bad fish
Don't eat nothin that can walk away
Most computer aided anything can be remotely controlled
Many send a signal
Many send much more
Your cars talk to the insurance companies
For your saftey and convinence
Who else do they talk to ?
Video killed
Those would eat 90 min or longer tapes
Fagawee international
Has no listed contacts
Car tape decks…..
Mylar tape
I have not seen
The customs and border Patrol