Censorship ultimately requires death. That is why freedom of speech in America is absolute, except where it removes rights of another, because we are all endowed with a right to Life. You do not have a right to remain unoffended under our laws. To think that you do will require you ultimately killing all dissenting voices. That is why Marxists, or globalists, or Communists, or Gnostics need to shut you up. They cannot exist among criticism of their very bad ideas. They cannot respond to your arguments, they can only deflect to insult your messenger when the argument is irrefutable or uncomfortable. The Marxist hides behind the word "Jew," and will not address the political viewpoint of Marxism they espouse, instead claiming you are attacking their religion. Totalitarianism can always come in the form of a religion and therefore all religions should be allowed to be freely discussed or critiqued in a free society.
Found the Marxist.
>except where it removes rights of another