Schumann turning white
it's okay to be white, kek
>You can't make changes like this to a structure, without getting permits from the city. Doesn't matter the state you're in.
Those laws are not Constitutional.
And, yeah, it's an uphill battle.
The truth is the truth though.
>Epstein docs, Austin missing for days, yeah, this is a distraction.
distraction, or coming to a head?
because, the themes seem related: underground, temple, mattress, etc
The whole purpose of having permits iscontrol, anon.
Constitution does not give government the right/ability to tell property owners they can't change staircases during construction, for instance.
States have Constitutions, too, anon.
>Judge asks Trump lawyer if a president would be immune from prosecution for using SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival - after Donald's team argued he has presidential immunity from election fraud charges
Can a "political rival" be from another country?
e.g., Saddam Hussein; Osama bin Laden; Gaddafi; etc.
Follow-up question for President Trump:
"Would a President be immune from prosecution for later murdering all the SEAL Team 6 members?"
How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?
Q #1287:
Apr 27, 2018 8:27:33 PM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 6e1ca8 No. 1215845
Cohen raid by FBI?
Public context: re: payment to Stormy Daniels?
SC & FBI raided POTUS’ attorney to pull Stormy Daniels payment info?
RR signed off?
What other docs were collected?
How many places raided?
Raid on the President of the United States’ attorney for payment details re: private case re: Stormy Daniels?
Think logically.
How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?
Who has everything?
Methods which info collected/ obtained?
Admissible in the court of law?
Insert Rudy.
First public statement.
“It shouldn’t take more than “a week or two” to come to a resolution on the probe.”
Think resignations.
Who has the POWER?
If POTUS was in a weakened position (about to be impeached/indicted) would ‘they’ resign?
Why are we here?
Public forum.
World watching.
Sharing of intel to bad actors?
Not confirming SC is on /team/.
Question everything.
Timing important.
5y, 8m, 1w, 4d, 16h, 59m ago
8chan qresearch
>if you see someone walking on a blizzardly highway you might also have an obligation to ask them if they need assitence, or at least direct the local authorities to go and check out the straggler alone in the rain-and-snow.
you talking "Good Samaritan laws" like Seinfeld showed us?
>people help other people.
always, legislation is not required for that
>when you live in a climate where it's possible to freeze to death if you don't get shelter there are obligations that apply to strangers and stragglers, anon.
your words do not sound "right" as in, Constitutional
all climates have risks
others are not obligated to help anon make it through those risks
sorry anon, you are wrong on this
in USA that is; other places are less free
this place is less free than anon thought, growing up…
yeah, anon saved a life night before last and was appreciated for it
take care of the little ones
Nikki Haley's behavior seems shallow, wrong, and mockable
don't go overboard with compassion re: rights/law/judging others