Swallowswell is an AIDS commie faggot whose years of hardcore bottom status have deprived him of rectal muscle control.
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Hunter runs from MTG.
>recommending Hunter Biden contempt of congress.
Weak ass faggots.
Nobody is going to touch him.
Man claims to know about Jewish secret tunnel in 2023
Richard Strocher, an American living in New York City, claimed to know about a Jewish secret tunnel which was discovered under a historic Brooklyn synagogue in 2023.
Also Read
Were the New York synagogue tunnels linked to a children's museum? Were the New York synagogue tunnels linked to a children's museum?
Richard Strocher posted in November 2023 that he keeps hearing sounds of Jews living under his apartment in New York.
In detail, the man said that he lives at ground level and confirmed that he has no basement. On X (formerly Twitter), he said: "There are Jews living under my apartment. I hear them its like they are digging or something."
Strocher continued: "For the record: I live at a ground level and we do NOT have a basement."
Nonetheless, the man also posted, around a month after his first X post, "I swear I keep hearing yiddish under the floor in my NY apartment. (I live at ground level and we have no basement)."
A video has gone viral on social media after a huge, illegal and secret tunnel was discovered under a historic Brooklyn synagogue in New York City.
A group of men belonging to a Hasidic Jewish community were arrested on Monday by New York policemen over the discovery of the tunnel.
>the MILITARY is in control
Which one? The one that is infested with woke degeneracy and has failed to meet recruiting goals for the last three years?
If only a small percentage of men in any given Western society would just stand up to the freaks pushing this insanity, they could end it overnight. But they don't.
Who's the fuckfaced dirtbag goomba leering at Mace on Hunter's right?