America needs Jounalists. We, as a People, ask you to stand to the princapals that guided you to be in jounalism. PLEASE
Q is not cryptic. Q posts questions to lead non jounalists to the questions. Dang. i know don mcclean wrote about music dieing, now, do we see journalism die? B4 Our eyes?
>>2022159this doesnt help…you have everything back ass wards..get a grip, look at data, leave old preconcieved thought, and then post? Sir.
>>2022200 dont worry about the shills, they wont see proof till everyone does…sheep…and treat them as such….dont hut them.
i just saw one call another a nigger. we call each other fags. Fuck you at morning coffee. we all been there. remember?
maybe Q is being nice …maybe WE allowed all this to happen, WE set it all up, WE sent our sons and duaghters to die for these evil people. Maybe, Q is saying, glad some of ya see the depth of Evil?
Q asks every American, to see truth, see truth without beating another American. See Truth, and forgive those that are not as quick. Q wants Journalists to just do thier calling. Q wants Journalism to replace what is done opensource.Just, Believe in America, Land of the Free.
to attack with memes? i think we need to attack the memers. Griffin comes to mind, yet…memes only weapons against ones that fight that sissy way. i watch you guys, and memes are a big part of our social culture, and you all doing a great job…carry on…yet…maybe some really mean ones to those that defend the loudest?
>>2022513that is a good question. you a journalist?
>>2022513sir you see how to do that?
Q trolling? Don,t think so. Maybe challenging Journalists to do what they live for. Spread what you see, spread the news !