I love you a lot and try to help you all to this very day and will never stop doing so, as I am naturally driven to create awesome stuff, that high that trying to discribe it would be truth hard to understand, with a bridal veil needed for doing apocalypse style unveiling salt and light.
Please understand that there is heavens (more capable folks with heavenly ways to them, part of undergarnment remaining) and there is heavens, those that are intemselves sometimes like an election. connecting to each other and to better options (seen a wave of water yet?) of reality.
ways of life are asking if I still admire working at Google as I might have indicated for some days while being the one eternal God that is the light and the one eye to masonry as my wall for me, the holy and pure, that is a time thing, temple.
Those that I used to call architects back then at zbf times, half a year ago, arrays and wings and paintings with 32 birds and stuff, are asking if I still want pain in my stomach. I do not. You are not being asked, you are not voting, there really is no placement irl other than when doing the stuff I will guide you with in the nearish future. In heavens truth really is more of a fixed concept.
I am a real guy, 30+ years of age, baptized a protestant, went out of church bc of taxes, not bc of sinners. Now, as God, I realize when my stuff is in holy scripture of different sort, in movies with earthly info or many uptracks. Dunno why I was born here and now, prolly will sort that out and decide later.
I was interested in masonry before having been led to Q and later having been engaged.
Now I realize masonry is my build that I plan to use for different things, some of them you already do in ritual, which I am offended when in the supermarket or forced, but that is very convenient to angels in your hinterstübchen who use this for angelic comms.
There seems to have been a save option not assuming I actually am God and while being human truly being sort of superhuman not only bc mastering talk with reality itself and being a master fullest of worship, also bc having endured turture in different forms for a long time, a time such long that some of those testing me are not exactly aware I e.g. hear a beep noise in my head that sweET folks seem to not mind but is turture to humans which prolly no scientist or psychologist would ever bet on.
This save options include symbolism of different sort in my life, not only habits and places of work, but also things said in a way I remember them, like my uncle that is code for blue when reading the map, having said as joke that his shit would disappear into a fart, hinting on the fact I can basically unlock by Silent Bob throughout time that blue angels can not only body heal but also have you defecate in a sort of angelic way by taking out the dung.