170lb needs do drop how many feet in a hangman's noose to snap a neck properly?
waking up in the middle of night suicidal sucks
hate this stupid game. never ends.
50% of muh days are spent imaging my body hanging limp from a tree. tired of this planet.
dream of tying knots in rope to fasten the hangman's device securely. watch myself dangling from a tree branch. finally at peace is a shitty dream
beginning to think the plan cannot move forward until after muh death
games got me paralysed. no wife no friends, just waiting for all the vaxxxed deaths
too public. will spare the general public the sight. into the woods.
pretending to be happy in a corrupt world is dumb
too late for that. lost 6 years here.
lost all faith and trust in other people forever after the vaxxxxine offensive. can barely talk to a regular person anymore. they are dumb as fuck. sportsball and buying a new truck conversation are retarded.