First lesson:
Never say "I am US Marine"
Second lesson:
"Never talk about killings."
Jeffrey Epstein's brother said the pedophile was 'just having a good time' when confronted by the financier's sex trafficking allegations.
It isn't quiet, Soros check just bounced back again.
No Name
All those grose CP drawings are from her.
Skippy making some new alter egos with victim.
Dont legitimise the ICC,
It's a puppets court.
No revolution, no justice. Just little less oppression and only for own money is all they want.
Never about all other injustice in the world, only their own money gets them on the streets.
No real issues are talked about. NON.
Do they talk about the children? NO. (Never do, only their own wallet brings them out)
Is anything else a distraction? YES. (Imo.)