how did the imports stay unvaxxed?
>Cities are like little petri dishes for humans with their curated water and food supplies. Only the local public health agency (vaxx/mask mandaters) really know the effectiveness of their extermination and reseeding programs.
>Vaccines to "wipe out" the current population that's gone ascetic, from the chlorine, fluoride, artificial oils, "fortified" foods, pharmaceutical exposures and become non-productive, and then the Catholic/LDS Churches imports "healthy" (unvaxxed) 3rd world stocks to repopulate their Cities, with THEIR believers, who vote from the Pulpit."
>Like trying to fix a broken cheese "culture" that stops tasting good, by borrowing a "fresh" culture from a "known good" producer.
>Human-trafficking pogroms, too keep Them and their One Book/One God Thing in Power.