Hiya peeple of earf.
Don't worry, it won't be much longer. The crust is unlocking from the mantle and soon our overlords will be found out. But not until they create utter chaos.
Look for AI to release all the text messages from iPhones and Android devices. Next, AI will melt down the banking and record keeping system, ensuring those that went paperless have no proof of anything they own or how much money they had in the bank.
Get records, keep them handy. AI is about to cause a global information meltdown (we know it won't be AI, but those who control it)
Yes, there's a Creator of this life and reality. I've been told I'm that person. Trust me, I don't feel like the end all be all of this world. Yes, I am very real.
You have felt me, you've shared my thoughts, you've woken to what I've discovered. Everything you know is a lie. You only control you.
Anyway, thought I'd say "Hi" and check in with all of you still keeping the faith. Faith has arrived and he lives in California.