Weird thing I noticed about all these officials "making hay" over being "Black" Americans.
Use your eyes; they fail to look like "Black"
Go to a black neighborhood and see if any of these people given a "leg up" for being Black, actually look "Black"
No they don't
They are privileged for not being "Black"?
They look light brown or tan.
Does that give them a higher "Privilidged" status.
Who are the real Black Americans in the public eye?
Both I can think of (noticed) are conservative
Candice Owens Diamond (R.I.P.)
Am I flippen out or what?
If it were me, I'd pick for-real Black Americans for the special posts.
Don't you think there's more to it than just them being allegedly "Black" - like corruption / who pays for them, factors in?
why do they always pick the light skinned 'Blacks?'
Was that behind the complaint against Diamond and Silk - they were too "Black" and didn't speak like 'White people' ?