Anonymous ID: 101bda Jan. 13, 2024, 2:57 p.m. No.20238628   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit



So former BREB-tifa activist/infiltraitor [no I haven't misspelled anything] is now a source for both Media Matters and 'Miami Against Fascism' aka 'Antifa' in Miami.


In case those in the back of the room didn't hear me the first time I said this:


If you EVER engaged in any kind of communications with Alex Sullivan, aka "The Auhtority", or In The Matrixx or Shadygrooove, you SHOULD BE extremely nervous right now.


They are infiltrators who spent around 18 months setting up both the Q and the Anon communities by infiltrating and collecting private comms on a whole lot of different people.


They are stepping up their activities right now as it becomes increasingly apparent that Donald J. Trump actually IS on a trajectory that will put him back in the White House, where he has stated publicly SEVERAL TIMES NOW his intention to bring General Michael Flynn with him.


The rogue intelligence agencies out there who've been running psy ops [or attempting to] on the American public for decades are now incredibly worried about this development.


Trump was SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN rendered harmless by now. Which meant any Trump/Flynn team in the White House was a fantasy.


But the last year and a half hasn't gone the way these rogue intelligence agencies were hoping they would.


The curtain covering them and their nefarious activities is starting to come down. They're FRANTIC to keep that curtain in place.


So, on the chance that Trump DOES successfully win the 2024 election and returns to power, it is of PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE to certain people out there that Michael Flynn be out of Trump's inner orbit by that time.


They are seeking to accomplish this by enticing the Q community, and the separate Anon community, and the separate MAGA base into TURNING on General Flynn so Trump has to drop taking Flynn with him as an option in any return to the White House.


These people have picked their enemies well.


Because I am their enemy.


While they were studying me and trying to set me up, I was studying them.


We've reached the doxing stage and the stage of this op they are running where they start publishing the names/pictures of Anons they got to trust them during the infiltration phase.


But getting the broader community of MAGA to turn on Flynn - which they would have to do to force Trump to drop him - is a dicey proposition.


MAGA media isn't going to be receptive to attempts to smear General Flynn. So they are currently being forced to go to places like Media Matters to shop the anti-Flynn stories they want to see published.


Since the narcissist selfie-hound 'The Authority' infiltrated We The Media from out of the Miami Antifa scene, its only fitting that Miami Antifa is now aligning with him in attacking both General Flynn and the Q community.


Remember: I was one of the first people to call bullshit on Lin Wood and the 'Breb' gang that formed to do his bidding.


Whether the money coming to fund all this Breb/Antifa/Lin Wood activity targeting Flynn is coming straight from the Mossad or if are they are running it through one of the Ukrainian oligarchs first is besides the point.


Rogue intelligence agencies have it in for Flynn and Q Team told you why from the very start.


He is protected, however. We take care of our patriots.


Nothing can stop what is coming.


1:21 PM · Jan 13, 2024