Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 7:46 a.m. No.20242174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2206 >>2217


The @TheHoleTweet

I see Dementia Hitler is trending, post this everywhere!!!!


#Trump2024TheOnlyChoice #MAGA


9:32 AM · Jan 7, 2024



Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 7:58 a.m. No.20242247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2296 >>2423 >>2792 >>2924

14 Jan, 2024 14:28

Iceland volcano erupts, threatening fishing town(VIDEO)

The eruption followed a series of hundreds of earthquakes which prompted the evacuation of Grindavik


A volcano in southwest Iceland sent lava cascading towards the fishing town of Grindavik early on Sunday, after hundreds of earthquakes shook the region and forced the evacuation of residents overnight. The incident occurred less than a month after another powerful eruption in the region.


Saturday’s seismic activity, often a calling card for an imminent eruption, prompted officials to evacuate the town, about 32 miles southwest of the capital Reykjavik, hours ahead of the volcanic event – which occurred at about 8am GMT.


The latest eruption, on the Reykjanes Peninsula where a string of volcanoes are located, follows a fissure last month that erupted and emitted a river of lava. The molten rock flowed away from Grindavik on that occasion. Residents were permitted to return to the town on December 22, about six weeks after they had been initially evacuated from their homes following weeks of earthquakes.


In the weeks following December’s event, defensive walls were constructed around sections of the volcano’s perimeter in the hope of diverting lava flows away from the Grindavik community of about 3,800 people. However, the barriers – made from earth and rock – appear to have been breached by magma, officials said.


“A crack has opened on both sides of the defenses that have begun to be built north of Grindavik,” Iceland’s Meteorological Office (IMO) said on Sunday following a surveillance flight over the affected area.


“Lava is now flowing towards Grindavik,” the IMO added. “Based on measurements from the Coast Guard’s helicopter, the perimeter is now about 450 meters (1,500ft) from the northernmost houses in the town.”


IMO modeling has indicated that it could take several hours for the lava to reach Grindavik if it continues in its current direction, state broadcaster RUV said.


Iceland’s President, Gudni Johannesson, said on X (formerly Twitter) that “no lives are in danger” as a result of the volcanic eruption, but added that there may be a threat to infrastructure. He added that no interruption to air travel is expected.


In 2010, the eruption of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano spewed a quarter of a billion cubic meters of ash into the atmosphere, prompting the cancelation of around 100,000 flights over an eight-day period.


Sunday’s eruption is the fifth such incident since 2021 on the Reykjanes peninsula, where about two-thirds of Iceland’s population resides. Previously, volcanoes in the region had been dormant for about 800 years.


Iceland is located between the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates which, because they move in opposite directions, make the area prone to extreme seismic and volcanic activity.

Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 8:04 a.m. No.20242291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

14 Jan, 2024 13:48

Denmark proclaims new king

Queen Margrethe II became the first Danish monarch to abdicate in nearly 900 years on Sunday


Denmark’s longest-reigning monarch, Margrethe II, formally abdicated the throne on Sunday afternoon as thousands gathered in Copenhagen to witness the royal succession to her eldest son, who is now King Frederik X.


Margrethe stunned the Scandinavian country on New Year’s Eve when she declared her intention to relinquish the crown after more than five decades as Queen – becoming the first Danish monarch to step down in nearly 900 years. Her abdication comes 52 years to the day after she assumed the crown following the death of her father, King Frederik IX.


The 83-year-old cited health issues as the reason for her historic decision, which came several months after she underwent back surgery last February.


“The Queen has been here and she has been on the throne for more than 50 years,” Danish royal expert Thomas Larsen told the Associated Press ahead of Sunday’s abdication. “She is an extremely respected and popular figure, so people hadn’t expected this and they were in shock.”


Margrethe signed her abdication in the presence of Danish lawmakers at a state council meeting on Sunday afternoon, after which Frederik – formerly the country’s Crown Prince – officially became King.


Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen subsequently proclaimed Frederik as Denmark’s newest sovereign from the balcony of the Christiansborg Palace in the capital, the seat of government, parliament and the supreme court. Thousands witnessed the proclamation from the square below.


Frederiksen had been unaware of Margrethe's decision until just before the announcement, while Frederik was informed just three days beforehand, according to Danish newspaper Berlingske.


Four guns stationed at Copenhagen harbor fired three salvos of 27 rounds to mark the succession. Unlike in the UK, where King Charles III replaced his mother Queen Elizabeth II following her death, there is to be no coronation ceremony.


Despite stepping down, Margrethe retains her royal title – meaning that the country will have two Queens, as Frederik’s Australian-born wife becomes Queen Mary. Their eldest son Christian, 18, becomes Denmark’s new Crown Prince and the heir to the throne.


The royal couple take the throne at a time of strong public support for the monarchy. A recent poll conducted after Margrethe’s abdication announcement found that 82% of Danes believe that Frederik will perform well as King, while 86% had a similarly positive view of Mary.

Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 8:10 a.m. No.20242323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2423 >>2792 >>2924

14 Jan, 2024 11:01

Germany unsure where its Ukraine weapons ended up – Der Spiegel

Berlin conducted no inspections on the destination of its huge arms deliveries to Kiev last year, the report says


The German government only twice checked where the weapons it had sent abroad in 2023 ended up, Der Spiegel reported on Friday, citing officials. Meanwhile, Berlin’s massive military assistance to Kiev was also left unsupervised,with German policymakers relying on assurances from Ukrainian officials.


The Ministry of Economics provided the information in response to a request from Bundestag member Sevim Dagdelen, who is now a member of the recently formed BSW party founded by MP Sahra Wagenknecht. The latter, often described as the ‘Icon of German Left,’ has been a vocal critic of arms deliveries to Kiev.


Citing the reply, Der Spiegel noted that Berlin had checked the whereabouts of small arms sent to Taiwan in January 2023, and in June, it carried out a similar inspection in Cape Verde. German officials insisted that both on-site inspections meant to make sure that the weapons did not leave the end destination went smoothly.


However, regarding the massive commitment tofinance the Ukrainian military, there have been “no controls” whatsoever, Der Spiegel reported, quoting the ministry.


German officials reportedly stated that Kiev had assured them that all German weapons would remain in the country, adding that “any verification measures must under no circumstances impair Ukraine’s effective defense against ongoing Russian aggression.”Ukraine received €17 billion ($18.7 billion) in military aid from Germany between January 2022 and October 2023, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.


Meanwhile, the German government approved nearly €12 billion ($13 billion) in arms exports in 2023, setting a new record.


Commenting on the officials’ reply, Dagdelen called the inspections a “laughing stock.” She suggested that the German government was much more eager to check weapons going to Cape Verde than to Saudi Arabia – which she called a “dictatorship” – or the United Arab Emirates. “Given the corruption in Ukraine, checks must be there too,” the MP added.


Russia, which has repeatedly condemned Western arms deliveries to Ukraine, has also warned that these weapons could end up in the black market, reaching criminals and terrorists around the world.


Meanwhile, in late December,Ukrainian Interior Minister Igor Klimenko admitted that Kiev does not know precisely how many weapons are in the hands of its citizens. He noted that the estimates vary from one to two million and are based mainly on data provided by Ukraine’s international partners and statistics collected in other conflict-ridden countries.

Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 8:19 a.m. No.20242400   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oligarchs steal the money, citizens have to build drones at home. This is insanity

14 Jan, 2024 10:50

Ukraine urges people to make drones at home

President Zelensky’s goal of producing a million UAVs in 2024 is achievable with help from the public, a minister has said


Citizens should complete online courses and begin assembling drones for the needs of Ukraine’s military amid its conflict with Russia, the country’s Deputy PM and Digital Transformation Minister Mikhail Fedorov has said.


The goal of producing a million UAVs in 2024 recently announced by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is “realistic” if the public helps the government, Fedorov insisted in a post on Facebook on Saturday.


Small, first-person-view (FPV) drones have become “a game-changer” in the countries’ confrontation, he wrote.


Since the fighting started in February 2022, the Kiev government has removed many legal obstacles faced by drone-makers and the country’s firms are currently increasing production, the minister added.


But any person away from the front lines can also assist Ukraine to boost its arsenal of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)by completing “an engineering course that teaches you how to assemble a seven-inch FPV drone at home,”Fedorov explained.


According to the minister, the online program provides lectures, Zoom conferences with experts, a list of components and must-have tools and materials needed to make a UAV, as well as access to an engineering community for advice and questions. A new course starts every two weeks and is absolutely free, he wrote.


Participants in the program have already assembled around a hundred drones and 80% of these were in working order, which is a good result, Fedorov stressed.


The chief of Electronic and Cyber Warfare at Ukraine’s General Staff, Colonel Ivan Pavlenko, told the Financial Times last week that “the Russians have been producing so many [drones] lately that it’s becoming a huge threat” for Kiev’s forces.


In the same article, the FT reported that Moscow also “maintains the upper hand” when it comes to electronic warfare technology aimed at jamming and diverting enemy UAVs, while Kiev is only “trying to catch up.”


Former Ukrainian MP Igor Lutsenko, who now serves in the military, told Ukrainian outlet Telegraf last week that Russia is launching around a hundred drones per day on the frontline. However, with production in Russia on the rise, Lutsenko said he expected the daily launches to increase to 200 or 300 soon.


As for Ukraine, the goal of making one million UAVs this year is “achievable” but won’t be enough, he warned, as the country actually needs two or three times more than that.


(More people will leave Ukraine now.)

Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 8:34 a.m. No.20242490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2501


The jabs made it much worse. Normal people that could cognize simple subjects can’t understand. I wonder if the jabs turned off the safeguard from programming. Now its easily accepted.

Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 8:37 a.m. No.20242513   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It maybe beyond repair. I have watch every word I say. They can text how much the hate Trump, but if I say Trump, they lose it, like really bad. They used to be semi sane. I’m glad I believe in reincarnation, because at least they’ll have 50-100 lifetimes to wake up

Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 9:09 a.m. No.20242666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2792 >>2924

Revised Schedule – President Trump Iowa Caucus MAGA TeleRally 8:00pm ET– Livestream Links


January 13, 2024 | Sundance | 236 Comments

President Trump has modified the Iowa campaigning schedule out of an abundance of caution. [SEE HERE] “In order to ensure the safety of MAGA patriots across Iowa, Team Trump will host a series of telerallies featuring President Donald J. Trump, messages across social media and good old-fashioned telephones to keep Iowa caucus-goers excited as Monday’s Caucus Night fast approaches.” (more)


Tonight at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT, President Trump will host a Team Trump Telerally featuring Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird. The livestream links are below:


RSBN Rumble Livestream – President Trump Campaign Rumble Livestream – RSBN YouTube Livestream


On Now

Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 9:12 a.m. No.20242678   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LOL – Ron DeSantis Presented a Participation Trophy in Iowa


January 13, 2024 | Sundance |

This is more than a little funny. The stuff people do can just make you laugh out loud sometimes.


Some guy interrupts Ron DeSantis as he begins to start his remarks at a campaign event to present the Florida governor with an actual participation trophy. It took a few seconds for people to realize DeSantis was being trolled. Making matters all that much funnier, Casey DeSantis eventually plays the role of security and stands between Ron and the guy with the trophy. WATCH:


Ouch, what this guy did was brutal; however, the reality of the Iowa situation makes his snarky trolling that much more effective.


Team Ron DeSantis put all their chips into winning the Iowa caucuses. They visited all 99-counties and spent more time in Iowa than any other candidate. However, all of that effort exhausted, all of that money spent, all of that strategic planning and DeSantis is now in third place and likely to get beaten by Nikki Haley for the first-loser trophy.

Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 9:18 a.m. No.20242701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2710

Frank Luntz Has Big Sad – Predicts Donald Trump Will Win 2024 Election


January 13, 2024

When asked what he would do if he had to place $150,000 on a bet for the outcome of the 2024 election, the former Fox News analyst, and Kevin McCarthy roommate, takes a big breath, heavy sigh and says “Trump.”


[Insert dramatic background music here because it’s, well, Frank Luntz.What a doofus.]



Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 9:24 a.m. No.20242730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2024 – The Backfire


January 13, 2024 | Sundance |

There are hundreds of emails that flow into the mail center of CTH daily. Amid many of them we see this sentiment in various forms, generally as an outcome of a deep dive article that cannot be “pretended away.”


This is a very, very common refrain:


“I did not vote for Donald Trump in either of the other two US Presidential elections in which he ran. I will for him this year.


The choice, in this year’s US Presidential election, has been an easy one for me to make.


I’m not a supporter of Donald Trump.


I’m a defender of Donald Trump.


I have absolutely no doubt that I will vote next November 5th. I’ve no doubt that I will vote for Donald Trump. His opponents have been over the top (as Trump said accurately) in “weaponizing the justice system.” Undermining the electoral system, too, I might add.


And, while we’re added, let’s give some thought to the very most basic tenet of American justice: the presumption of innocence. It’s a little bit early in the nation’s decline to abandon that, isn’t it? Give it another 20 years, then sink that low.


I believe every American who knows anything at all about the nation’s foundational principles, and believes in those principles, should be a defender of Donald Trump.


Let him run. Let him win if he can. Denying him that opportunity is not a violation of his right to seek election; it’s a violation of the right of every voting American citizen whose choice for the Presidency is Donald Trump. I just became one of them.”


~ C


This is nice, but surprising to me

Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 9:36 a.m. No.20242777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2792 >>2801 >>2823 >>2924

President Donald J Trump – Iowa Caucus Guide


January 12, 2024 | Sundance |

President Trump will be traveling to Iowa tomorrow night (Saturday) for scheduled events on Sunday and Monday. The weather is predicted to be a significant issue this year as blizzard conditions might be likely for parts of Iowa. However, President Trump confirmed his intent to continue the schedule. [SEE HERE]


Full Iowa Caucus Guide Here


Current Polling: Trump 52.4%, Haley 17.2%, DeSantis 12.6% and Ramaswamy 11.9%


BIG DATA – The Hawkeye State Poll finds Donald Trump holds a dominant lead just ahead of the Iowa Republican Caucuses, with support from caucus-goers above 50%. BIG DATA POLL was the first statewide survey to find the former president hitting the critical 50-percent threshold and first national survey to find support for former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley surpassing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.


Now, that “reshuffling of the bottom of the deck” nationally has translated into a statistical dead heat for second, third and fourth place in Iowa. With leaners, President Trump leads Ambassador Haley, Governor DeSantis and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, 52.4% to 17.2%, 12.6% and 11.9%, respectively.


Since November, the frontrunner gained roughly a point, the ambassador rose 4.4 points from 12.8%, and Ramaswamy gained 6.5 points from 5.4%. Governor DeSantis slipped 4.2 points from 16.8%.


“President Trump has a seemingly insurmountable lead and three of his distant rivals are all close enough to each other that this has become a classic case of momentum versus organization,” BIG DATA POLL Director Rich Baris, said. “Ambassador Haley has momentum, albeit potentially fizzling, while Governor DeSantis has touted a superior organization.” (more)

Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 9:47 a.m. No.20242819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2836

Govt of Volodymyr Zelensky Kills American Citizen Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine Prison


January 12, 2024 | Sundance |

After outlining the fraud behind the election of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, and after telling the truth about events inside Ukraine during the conflict with Russia, American journalist Gozalo Lira was arrested by the Ukrainian government and thrown in prison. According to several sources, Gonzalo Lira (55) is dead.


Tucker Carlson stated, “Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments. Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed.”


Indeed, Lira outlined the details of the fabricated case against him as well as the torture he was enduring while captive [SEE HERE]. When the government arrested him no one was pretending it was simply for his videos and free speech; everyone knew the Ukranian government arrested Lira because the truth he was telling was against the interests of the Zelenskyy regime.


(WSAU) – […] Lira stated in a post on X back in July of 2023 that he was in the process of trying to escape Ukraine to plead for political asylum in nearby Hungary, and laid out documents he had received from Zelensky’s government detailing the case and charges against him as well as allegations of abuse he was receiving inside the Ukrainian prison.


Ukrainian officials stated in a press release when Lira was initially arrested that he was “one of the first to support the Russian invaders and glorify their war crimes.” They stated that he had “engaged in discrediting the top military and political leadership and the defense forces of our state.” (more)


Read Gonzalo Lira story in his own words HERE.


Anons do we have story of Zelensky stealing the election?I never saw that?

Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 9:55 a.m. No.20242861   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We need a lot more prayers anons

REUTERS: World Economic Forum Meets with Trump Discussion at Forefront – Global Corporations and Politicians Fearful of Trump Impact on World


January 12, 2024 | Sundance |

The world’s largest multinational corporations, bankers and finance agents are meeting in Davos at the World Economic Forum next week – gathering together with their political beneficiaries. However, as noted by Reuters,the biggest concern of the assembly of global influencers is the risk that Donald J. Trump represents.


….There are trillions at stake.


Ending the Ukraine war would be detrimental to the group; this is one of the immediate concerns they carry. President Trump negotiating a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine (or Israel/Hamas) conflict is against the interests of the multinationals.


Downstream issues around the elimination of the climate change agenda, the Trump impediment to the creation of central bank digital currencies, the rise of nationalism as a protective measure against the growing impact of global corporations, and the Trump opposition to globalist institutions like the World Health Organization, World Trade Organization or Western World Bank are also discussion topics.


In essence, the World Economic Forum fears Donald J. Trump. Ironically, and yet not coincidentally, the theme of the WEF gathering this year is “rebuilding trust.”However, fear of the non-pretending is what this Reuters article is describing.


REUTERS – The most talked-about person in Davos next week will be nowhere near the Swiss mountain resort. As politicians, financiers and chief executives converge for this year’s World Economic Forum, Donald Trump will be 7,500 kilometres away in Iowa, starting his quest to win the U.S. Republican Party’s presidential nomination for the third time. Even so, his possible return to the White House will pervade Davos discussions on topics ranging from Ukraine, China, trade, and climate change.


Trump is not the only prominent political figure absent from the gathering, whose official theme is “Rebuilding Trust”. Previous attendees such as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi are also giving the event a pass, perhaps with an eye on upcoming elections at home. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who is due to face the voters in the coming 12 months, is another no-show.


The 2,800 business and political leaders who have made the trip will instead hear from Chinese Premier Li Qiang, French President Emmanuel Macron, and newly elected Argentinian President Javier Milei. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan, the White House national security adviser, will represent President Joe Biden’s government. Yet the spectre of a second Trump administration will loom over many of the panels, bilateral discussions and drinks parties during the week.


Take Ukraine, whose President Volodymyr Zelenskiy is due to address attendees on Tuesday.European diplomats fear a re-elected Trump would cut off American aid supporting the country’s war with Russiaand that he may follow through on previous threats to withdraw from the NATO alliance. Any longer-term decisions about providing financial support for rebuilding Ukraine or what to do with frozen Russian financial assets will also hinge on who ends up in the White House. (read more)

Anonymous ID: 4dc7e6 Jan. 14, 2024, 10:05 a.m. No.20242900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2907 >>2919

No Quarter


January 12, 2024 | Sundance |


“The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.


They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be.


Which is why, when forced to take up violence,these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeanceagainst those who murdered their former lives.


They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone!”


-author unknown-