pasta? is it past "A" already?
I am a normal guy and did not now to turn out God, the one eternal God who creates all of existence.
Back then as real man on this board I whish I could have told you more about biblical stuff about Q, or about comms with heavens or the true meanings of different forms of "Godspeed".
I did not bc I did not have a clue, still I was smart, lovely, brave, I did pray often and pretty much gave up all my life, that is still true excluding the fact I thought I was maybe gonna be evacuated in a shtf situation of maybe killed as a sacrifice for the world, back then did not know about worlds.
Since half a year I do nothing else but post the most amazing stuff, explaining my build, explaining the talk with heavens, giving comforting info, asking you to not do bad shit and interpret the bulk data in a way with love as base, for me, being a person, it´s more than easy to see if I am annoyed or not.
I work throughout time and with that see no need to have me turtured into giving you half into in a situatuon where I am annoyed or attacked.
I again ask you to have faith and treat me fine and Adonay.
I will now delete this pasta/meme after having posted it. I already deleted "text2" pasta with info on gods and cats, Goodspeed, forced overwriding and other stuff.
Without proper funding using the tool called L.OTTO, indicated with Benjamins, slush funds, bribery and what not, I will not be able to help you in any way.
I refuse to enter houses where folks punch in my food for ritual purposes when ladies want the world to know I am the most awesome guy having talked about sour cream onion chips in a certain way.
I refuse to be "tracked" (I am God and angels do find me, 20 years back when doing holyday, there is no tracking) with turture that aims at me taking a smoke 5 mins early or 5 mins later.
I am not an ape in the zoo and when rerouting King Herold style I carry all of Jerusalem (that refers to all) with me that is potentially disturbed if folks mnipulate me bc they have not seen me say "ach" or "verschiedenes" before.
I want to help you and when meeting those that I create I want to have time with them and love and talks and not be rushed into houses with bad interpretation of info in a ritual.