It's Ironic they probably label this anon Republican, when Trump isn't even on Anon's ballot as NPP in California, HOWEVER, if ANON had no scrupals could go to center after center on election day and register and vote for whoever…
Anon has filed two complaints with California Secretary of State on UNRELATED… That has to do with the national security failures which have allowed commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud to get a security clearance and be placed upon American ballots as a choice to DESTROY America.
So LAW BREAKERS get to vote for the totalitarians who intend harm and death and violence, while citizen has been stripped of all such psyop.
Also anon might be the right time to add in there, citizens were not even really supposed to vote at all is anon's understanding.
Anyway the system doesn't work and can't be fixed using the system.
with that said…. this "COMMON ADVERSARY" is back out 4-10.