Wassupy in the Kunnery?
Stay Comfy My Friend
Good players, bad players, actors, who infiltrated whom???
Full armor, is all ya need.
Wassupy in the Kunnery?
Stay Comfy My Friend
Good players, bad players, actors, who infiltrated whom???
Full armor, is all ya need.
Who can kill a general in his bed?
Overthrow dictators if they're Red?
Fucking A-man!
CIA man!
Who can buy a government so cheap?
Change a cabinet without a squeak?
Fucking A-man!
CIA man!
Who can train guerrillas by the dozens?
Send them out to kill their untrained cousins?
Fucking A-man!
CIA man!
Who can get a budget that's so great?
Who will be the 51st state?
Who has got the secretest service?
One that makes the other service nervous?
Fucking A-man!
CIA man!
Who can take the sugar from a sack
Pour in LSD and put it back?
Fucking A-man!
CIA man!
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Who can mine the harbors of Nicaragua?
Outhit all the hitmen of Chicag-ua?
Fucking A-man!
CIA man!
Who can be so overtly covert?
Sometimes even covertly overt?
Fucking A-man!
CIA man!
Who's the agency well known to God?
The one that copped his staff and copped his rod?
Fucking A-man!
CIA man!
Fucking A-man!
CIA man!
Fucking A-man!
CIA man!
CIA man! CIA man! CIA man! CIA man! CIA man!
Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll
don't forget the enforcers, CIA
Regardless the psy-op used,
all I am hearing is the popping sound of those bubbles.
Nope, gitmo will take of those not included.
Why would u.s. politicians have duel citizenship with Israel?
Awww do you need a hug?
#Qanon was a hashtag for Anons to find subject matter before we all got banned from tweaker
Glad to see the ginger mound still being used.