Jesus said, "My Kingdom is not of this WORLD"… What did he mean by that? Was he speaking of different dimension, or a different time.
If we look at it biblically, the english word WORLD as translated from the Ancient Hebrew-Chaldee or even the Greek as used in the times of Christ, literally means ERA, being a period of time.
Therefore, we know Christ is to return on the THIRD DAY, and we know to God 1000 years is as one day and one day as a 1000 years.
The beginning of the third day is therefore 2000 years since Christ was here. Therefore a WORLD = 2000 years
This way we can see the biblical worlds before Christ. 2000 years BC, dates back to around the flood of Noah. And the 2000 years prior to that, dates back to Adam.
Therefore, by the end of the next millennium, will be 7000 years, or 7 days in Gods sight. And creation will be complete. ANOTHER WORLD. you could say, a NEW WORLD.