>>15094264 pb
Links to the Deep State
Courtney loves her some Kevin Spacey, the disgraced actor accused of sexual abuse by over a dozen men, even underage. A man spotted in countries like Thailand, Cambodia, and Venezuela, hunting for minors. Curiously, Chester developed a friendship with Spacey months before his passing. Some of Spacey’s accusers died mysteriously, and as a result, all the charges were dismissed. Spacey and Bill Clinton say they share a ”bromance”. Love for pedophilia united them, perhaps?
Clinton went to Epstein’s island 26+ times and lied about it. Secret service members say they have heavy dirt on Clinton regarding Epstein, but nine of his former bodyguards are now dead. Why would Clinton give Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park, a $1Million grant? Maybe John Podesta had something to do with that decision? Rumors of Chester being the illegitimate son of Podesta populate the web, the resemblance is uncanny.
As exposed by Wikileaks: Podesta, Clinton, Abramovic, and others communicated via email using pedophile slang. They joked about sacrificing chickens to Moloch, the Luciferian deity found at the elite campground, the Bohemian Grove. Pizzagate is called a hoax by the mainstream media, do you think they do because they are covering for these people? The text written in blood is part of spirit cooking, a Satanic ritual using urine, semen, and menstrual blood. It sounds insane but is all documented.
Witches and cults
The Satanic high priestess is friends with lots close to Chris, some who attended his funeral. Why is this witch popular? There has to be more to the story. Jay-Z and Jared Leto used to tour with Linkin Park often, and they are very involved in this mess. They all follow the “Do What Thou Wilt,” a philosophy coined by Satanist Aleister Crowley. “Always do what you want, regardless of who you harm.” Crowley patented Thelema involves Satanic rituals involving child abuse and the consumption of adrenochrome.
Richard Branson owns Necker Island, where the sex cult NXIVM held meetings. Names like Keith Raniere, Allison Mack, Clare Bronfman, Sarah Bronfman, Nancy Salzman, Lauren Salzman, and Stormy Daniels were members. People like the Dalai Lama attended these sex cult retirements on Branson’s island. He denied knowing about NXIVM, but just like Courtney, he is lying. Why deny if you are innocent? Marina Abramovic, Bono, Barack Obama, and George Bush are guests there often.
Jared Leto, a Luciferian puppet who tours with his band Thirty Seconds To Mars, is also a cult leader. Mars island, as he calls it, can be considered a cult-like event like NXIVM, where Leto has large numbers of women to prey on. The actor/singer was involved with Alexis Arquette, a transgender actress/escort who was an informant for Monica Petersen. There are testimonies from multiple women and underage girls describing their abusive experiences with Leto. You can find the same results with James Franco, who was Abramovic’s boy toy for a while.