What's with all the ZZ Top memes kek?
What's with all the ZZ Top memes kek?
Will take their tears in muh morning covfefe.
I'm shocked I found it that quickly kek.
You got it! Sometimes I wonder why I save stuff and then boom.
So there WERE 17 flags kek. Fox was showing a stupid angle and I forgot to check the bread for any caps. Kept counting 16.
Could it be 4-9-4? State Department habbenings? Or FBI?
Fucking retarded degenerate demons.
Participation Trophy Ron
But probably not most countries' governments who claim to be.
I equate it to animal domestication kek. Pineal damage probably. No inner voice or dialogue. Shit parents. Heavy addictions in early adulthood that essentially prolong childhood. Culture of moral relativity. No consequences for broken rules. Just flat-out not thinking shit through. But I guess you only do that if you fear for your survival on some level kek. "Only the paranoid surviveโฆ"
>Seems as if some people actually don't.
Important to ask then, what is it exactly and why not? Survival instinct could be right, but I tend to think it's more.