Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 4:57 a.m. No.20251380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1697

I’m pretty sure this has been posted already, but just in case! This bullshit has to stop. I bet all senior leaders are white in most companies.Waiting for the working class to turn on them. Boomerang!

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 5:11 a.m. No.20251404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1420

>>20251091 Yuval Harari WEF Lunatic & Klaus Schwabs right hand man warns against Donald Trump winning the presidency. “It is likely to be the death of what remains of the ‘Global Order’ PN


All the more reason why Donald Trump will win. The UK, Germany, NATO and others also warning that Trump will destroy NATO so he can’t win.They are preparing for more Election Interference. 2024 year of the Boomerang


Quite a few EU and Nordic countries are voting for populist candidates. This is freaking them out badly!


Nov 9 2018


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.438 📁

Nov 9 2018 18:50:16 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.384 📁

Nov 2 2018 17:02:10 (EST)


Amazing what you discover when you research for yourself.

God bless you, Patriots!




Will recent [expected] voter fraud actions by the D party provide support for a VOTER ID LAW?


Boomerang Suicide?


Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 5:33 a.m. No.20251477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1505 >>1896 >>1983 >>2072 >>2160

After Visiting All 99 Iowa Counties and Failing to Win a Single One, Ron DeSantis Declares Victory “We Got Our Ticket Punched”


January 16, 2024 | Sundance |

After visiting all 99 counties in Iowa and failing to win a single one, specifically because he visited all 99 counties in Iowa, Florida Governor RonDeSantis declared the dark, unknown and mysterious forces of universe tried to stop him=, “threw everything at him,” yet he alone stands victorious.


Yeah, he actually said that.


The DeSantis campaign put most of their resources into Iowa and gained a total of 23,000 votes (roughly 21%), quickly declaring victory in a tenuous 2nd place finish and proclaiming their victory ticket has been punched.The cognitive disconnect is exceptionally strong; but hey, everyone has a role to play – right? WATCH:


IOWA – DeSantis took the stage for a few minutes at a campaign party in West Des Moines after he secured second place.


“Because of your support, in spite of all of that they threw at us, everyone against us — we’ve got our ticket punched out of Iowa,” he said.


DeSantis spent millions in the Hawkeye State, visited all 99 counties and cultivated the endorsements of popular Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds. Never Back Down, the super PAC supporting his candidacy, also spent more than nine months building a ground game and appointing 1,600 precinct captains across the state. (MORE)


(Only a desperate Lunatic would consider this disaster, a win.DeSadist said at end, thank for your support, and I’m not a Hobbit!) KEK

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 5:39 a.m. No.20251500   🗄️.is 🔗kun



FOX couldn't take him out, sooo.


Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 5:50 a.m. No.20251525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1544 >>1548



Vivek drops out.




He sounds disingenuous, he’ll be going after an Admin job under Trump. Weird speech

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 6:13 a.m. No.20251605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1896 >>1983 >>2072 >>2160

16 Jan, 2024 12:

Scholz booed at handball match (VIDEO)

The chancellor has the lowest approval ratings for a German leader in over two decades, according to recent polls


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz received a less than warm welcome from fans when he attended a Berlin handball match on Sunday, in an apparent show of discontent with his policies. He is one of the least popular leaders in recent German history, according to polls.


The incident occurred during a match between the national teams of Germany and North Macedonia, being held at the sold-out Mercedes-Benz Arena during the European Men’s Handball Championship.


The German team ultimately won with a score of 34-25. At one point during the match, thestadium announcer decided to mention Scholz’s presence, welcoming him as an honored guest. However, instead of applause and cheers, thechancellor was met with loud boos and whistlesfrom the more than 13,000 spectators in attendance. The noise lasted for several seconds.


As quoted by the tabloid Bild, the sports director of the German Handball Federation, Axel Kromer, reacted by saying: “In general, it’s not nice for us at all when our guests are booed. But the last few weeks have shown thatthere is a basic mood in Germany that unfortunately made these whistles not unlikely.”


According to an ARD Germany survey released earlier in January, Scholz’s approval ratings have fallen off a cliff in recent months, with only 19% of respondents stating he was doing a “good job,” making him the least popular German leader since 1997, according to Bild.


The dissatisfaction with Scholz and his policies has culminated in waves of prolonged protests across Germany that have wreaked havoc on the country’s transportation network. Farmers outraged by the government’s decision to cut diesel subsidies and tax breaks for the agricultural sector have used their tractors in recent weeks to block roads and highways. Meanwhile, train drivers dissatisfied with their working hours and skyrocketing inflation announced a large-scale strike last week, further exacerbating nationwide transport disruptions.


Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has suggested that Berlin’s decision toslash agricultural spending while ramping up its military supportfor Ukraine could ultimatelylead to a Ukrainian-style Maidan coup toppling the German chancellor.


(No one likes the NWO, more of this coming for others)

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 6:21 a.m. No.20251638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1896 >>1983 >>2072 >>2160

16 Jan, 2024 10:49

EU searching out Ukraine aid slackers – FT

Brussels’ diplomatic service is reportedly conducting an audit of aid for Kiev amid dwindling Western funding


Brussels is auditing EU nations to see how much military assistance they have provided to Ukraine, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday. Some member states have accused others of slacking in their efforts to support Kiev.


The External Action Service (EEAS) is conducting a tally of weapons sent to Ukrainesince hostilities with Russia started in February 2022, three EU diplomats told the British newspaper.


According to the officials, the review is based on submissions from member states, some of which are reluctant to provide complete data.


The diplomatic service is reportedly seeking to present its findings before the February 1 summit of EU leaders, where the agenda contains revisions to the bloc’s multi-annual budget, including funding for Ukraine.


Last week, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz complained that arms supplies pledged to Ukraine by most EU members are “by all means too small” and urged others to step up.


Ukraine is facing a shortage of hardware and funding after its Western-backed counteroffensive against Russia last year failed to produce serious land gains and resulted in heavy losses, according to Moscow. Opponents of continued assistance on both sides of the Atlantic are currently blocking over $110 billion in proposed aid.


Officials inKiev are calling on donors to unfreeze the funding as soon as possible, claiming that the cost of a Russian victory would be far greater than whatever Ukraine requests. “If the West is not able to stop Russia in Ukraine, who else is it able to stop in other parts of the world?” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba told ABC News in an interview on Monday.The diplomat vowed that Ukrainians “will fight with shovels” if necessary. (Why are so many deserting then?)


“Our position remains the same: we are prepared to negotiate, but if the realities on the ground and our well-known position and interests are taken into account,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview last year, commenting on a lack of peace talks.


(The countries are not buying the psyop anymore, now the EU wants to punish them. The EU is acting like the old Soviet Union! The Grift is dead.)

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 6:30 a.m. No.20251667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1896 >>1983 >>2072 >>2160

16 Jan, 2024 05:20


Trump scores major election victory


The ex-president received more votes than the next two candidates combined in the Iowa caucus


Former President Donald Trump won a landslide victory in the first Republican primary of the 2024 presidential race, taking home three times more delegates than his closest opponent and over 50% of the popular vote.


With more than 95% of the votes counted following Monday’s caucus in Iowa,Trump had 51% of the electorate and 19 delegates, far ahead of Republican rivals Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, who earned 21.3% and 19.1% respectively.DeSantis won eight delegates and remained in second place, while Haley scored seven.


As the race came to a close late in the evening, Trump penned a social media post thanking his supporters in Iowa, writing “I LOVE YOU ALL!”


The victory comes on the heels of favorable polling for the frontrunner, with an NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom survey giving him an almost 30-point advantage over the other candidates.


While the same poll put former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley in second place, the number two spot went to DeSantis, Florida’s current governor.


Before heading home,Haley hurled a veiled criticism at Trump, telling supporters “If you want to move forward with no more vendettas, if you want to move forward with a sense of hope, join us in this caucus.” (The Queen of vendettas, Kali-Nikki warning her supporters of the damage she will do.)


GOP newcomer Vivek Ramaswamy, meanwhile, came in fourth with 7.7% of the vote, but won no delegates.


Trump’s win in Iowa follows significant campaigning in the state, vastly outdoing his showing in the 2016 race, which Texas Senator Ted Cruz ultimately won. According to the Associated Press,Trump’s team “paid special attention to building a sophisticated digital and data operation to regularly engage with potential supporters.”


Since 1972, Iowa – traditionally seen as a Republican stronghold – has been the first state in the US to hold its caucus in advance of the election and its results are often interpreted as a sign of how other states might sway ahead of November’s election. The candidates will head to New Hampshire for the next round of voting, with Trump expected to hold a rally in the state after attending a court hearing in New York.


As the 2024 election season kicks off, the former president faces multiple criminal indictments, including charges linked to alleged election interference, hush money payments to a porn star, and mishandling of classified material. Trump has rejected all the charges against him, calling them part of a political “witch hunt” launched by his opponents in the Democratic Party.


(When PDJT told Fox he won’t have time for Retribution, he was saying “my Admin” will do that job!)

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 7:06 a.m. No.20251777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1805 >>1811 >>1815 >>1818 >>1825 >>1840 >>1983 >>2072 >>2160





  • Thanks to new House Speaker Mike Johnson,We now have permission to release Capitol CCTV footage proving that a member of Nancy Pelosi's security detail, Special Agent David Lazarus, perjured himself on the stand during the Oath Keepers trial.


  • Lazarus was brought in to corroborate another Capitol police officer's account claiming that he had antagonistic encounter with the Oath Keepers. But footage of Lazarus proves that he was lying.


  • These lies, spread unquestioningly by the media and Democrat politicians, were used to put innocent people in prison, ruining their lives and the lives of their families. They and their attorneys did not have access to the footage at trial that Blaze Media is releasing today.


  • Instead, Harry Dunn was made a hero by Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, and as a result of his and David Lazarus's false testimony, there are innocent people in prison.


-The government lied about this. What else are they lying about?

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 7:18 a.m. No.20251815   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wow Blaze Reveals Dunn and Lazarus and just busted open the lies of Dunn and Lazarus, and engaged with the illegal prosecution of the Oath Keepers. Some Oathkeepers got 15, 18, 22 years in jail. More to come

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 7:25 a.m. No.20251840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1848 >>1983 >>2072 >>2160


Powerhouse J6 reporters stun Seb Gorka with insider deets on two major players…

January 15, 2024 (a day


Arguably, there are no two investigative J6 reporters who have had a stronger and more impactful influence than Revolver’s very own Darren Beattie and Julie Kelly.


These two individuals have reshaped the landscape of reporting on this issue. Julie has primarily focused on the January 6th political prisoners and the unjust prosecution carried out by the regime tyrants, whereas Darren Beattie’s work has effectively dismantled the regime’s entire narrative. He has raised questions about the true role of the FBI, shed light on the mysterious Ray Epps, and highlighted the comical absurdity of the pipe bomber story. So, you can imagine that when these two experts come together to discuss the events of that fateful day, their deep insights and extensive knowledge leave podcast host Seb Gorka genuinely astonished.


In the above clip, Julie delves into the case of Matthew Graves, a left-wing activist masquerading as a DC prosecutor, who, in a state of panic, isdesperately trying to keep the J6 flames burning as the entire narrative crumbles. According to Julie, this narrative is crucial to Joe Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign.


On the other hand, Darren Beattie masterfully guides us through the Ray Epps mystery, providing such crystal-clear clarity that it’s absolutely remarkable.


Darren is spot on: to truly grasp the entire picture of what’s happening, it’s crucial to dive into Revolver’s comprehensive coverage of the January 6th events. We’ve gathered all the key articles in one convenient location for you. Access our investigative pieces by clicking the link below:


And speaking of January 6th, The Blaze has conducted its own investigation that deserves attention. Thanks to Speaker Mike Johnson, Glenn Beck’s team has finally been authorized to release footage that exposes one of Pelosi’s security personnel for perjury during his Oath Keepers testimony, and as a result, The Blaze claims innocent people have been locked up.


The Blaze:




– Thanks to new House Speaker Mike Johnson, We now have permission to release Capitol CCTV footage proving that a member of Nancy Pelosi’s security detail, Special Agent David Lazarus, perjured himself on the stand during the Oath Keepers trial.


– Lazarus was brought in to corroborate another Capitol police officer’s account claiming that he had antagonistic encounter with the Oath Keepers. But footage of Lazarus proves that he was lying.


– These lies, spread unquestioningly by the media and Democrat politicians, were used to put innocent people in prison, ruining their lives and the lives of their families. They and their attorneys did not have access to the footage at trial that Blaze Media is releasing today.


– Instead, Harry Dunn was made a hero by Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, and as a result of his and David Lazarus’s false testimony, there are innocent people in prison.


– The government lied about this. What else are they lying about?


Thanks to these dedicated reporters and honest folks committed to uncovering the truth, we are beginning to assemble the pieces of this January 6th puzzle.What’s emerging is a chilling image of a rogue and desperate regime willing to go to any lengths, including imprisoning innocent Americans, to keep its grip on power and punish its political enemies.


This may be the most significant instance of the United States government turning against its own citizens that we’ve encountered in our lifetime.

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 7:54 a.m. No.20251970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1988 >>1991 >>2072 >>2073 >>2160

Army Colonel J6 Witness: 'Milley Is the Don Barzini of the Deep State'

By Neil W. McCabe | 10:19 AM on January 10, 2024 The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of



The colonel and Army lawyer challenging the Army's official narrative of the events and leadership decisions during the Capitol Hill protests on Jan. 6, 2021—a narrative relied upon by the Colorado Supreme Court when it struck President Donald J. Trump from the ballot — told RedStatethen-Chairman ofthe Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley was the black hand operating outside his legal authority to delay the District of Columbia National Guard from responding the protests that day.


“Milley is the Don Barzini of the Deep State," said Col. Earl G. Matthews, the Harvard Law School graduate, who was the senior legal advisor to Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, the D.C. National Guard's commanding general from March 2018 through April 2021.


“He's the most powerful chairman of the joint chiefs in history,” Matthews said. “It was Milley all along, and I didn't realize it. Milley was manipulating this entire stuff from point start.”


The former Guardsman, now serving in the Army Reserve, said that as the joint chiefs chairman, Milley had no legal role in the chain of command; he was simply the president's senior military advisor. However, Milley leveraged his staff in the Pentagon and exploited his relationships with other generals he mentored and favored for promotion so that he ran the Army as his own feudal possession."Milley controlled the Army,” Matthews said.


"The problem was not with Donald Trump; it's Mark Milley and the Army leadership in control.They stopped the Guard from coming then lied about it and said the Guard acted at sprint speed," he said.


“This is about civilian control of the military,” he said. “There was none. There is none. I argue that — Mark Milley had more control over the D.C. Guard on Jan. 6 than Donald Trump did — if Donald Trump wanted to call the Guard to go to the Capitol, Milley wouldn’t let him do it,” he said.


Milley modeled himself after Maj. Gen. Fox Connor, the general who mentored Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower and other general officers, he said. “When I was with him, he used to always quote Fox Connor,” he said.


“He admired Connor. He felt like he was an incarnation of Fox Connor, so there were certain generals he was advancing. McConville was one. Flynn was another; another was Walter Piatt, who worked for Milley on numerous occasions," he said.


Retired Gen. James C. McConville succeeded Milley as Army chief of staff from 2019 to 2023. Gen. Charles A. Flynn, brother of retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, is now the commanding general of the U.S. Army Pacific. Retired Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt was the director of the Army Staff on J6, and he retired in 2024 after his fourth star and assignment to lead U.S. Army Futures Command was shelved over concerns he could not get Senate confirmation because of his own J6 role.


Milley's relationship with Piatt was cemented by the fact both men were commanding generals of the 10th Mountain Division, so, through Piatt, Milley exercised control of the D.C. National Guard and the Army as if Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy was just a bystander, Matthews said.


He said that McCarthy was a former Army Ranger captain who naturally deferred to Milley. The colonel said it isessential to understand that, unlike the National Guards in the states and territories in the nation's capital, the National Guard is not controlled by a governor; instead, it is under the president's direct control. In practice, Trump and other presidents delegated active control of the D.C. National Guard to the Army Secretary.


Matthews said Milley was always joking about this unique command and control structure. "When Milley would call over, he would always say: 'I've got your governor on the line,' which meant it was McCarthy."…

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 7:57 a.m. No.20251988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2003 >>2072 >>2160



Milley delayed the D.C. National Guard’s response to J6

Matthews said he was with Walker throughout J6, and the D.C. National Guard was poised to respond to the crisis on Capitol Hill, but the Army’s official record does not align with what he witnessed and experienced that day.


For most of the crisis, he said the Guard was ordered not to approach the Capitol beyond 9th Street, which is the block where the FBI headquarters sits.


One prime example is McCarthy’s testimony that he tried Jan. 6, 2021, to call Walker to talk to him about mobilizing his Guardsmen at 4:35 and 5 p.m., which was relied upon by Professor William C. Banks in his testimony at the Colorado court proceedings that led to Trump’s removal from the state’s primary ballot, he said.

Matthews said Walker turned over his phone to prove McCarthy did not call him.

“The Army lied about it. Walker actually pulled the phone calls,” he said. “McCarthy didn’t have any record of the call, so those calls didn't exist.”

The colonel said Walker tried to set the record straight in his own March 2021 testimony when he appeared before the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack.


Walker told the committee that he watched at 1:30 p.m. as Metropolitan Police officers mobilized to support the Capitol Police officers, and then Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund called him.

At 1:49 p.m., I received a frantic call from then Chief of U.S. Capitol Police Steven Sund, where he informed me that the security perimeter at the Capitol had been breached by hostile rioters. Chief Sund, his voice cracking with emotion, indicated that there was a dire emergency on Capitol Hill and requested the immediate assistance of as many Guardsmen as I could muster.


Immediately after the 1:49 p.m. call with Chief Sund, I alerted the Army senior leadership of the request. The approval forChief Sund’s request would eventually come from the Acting Secretary of Defense and be relayed to me by Army senior leaders at 5:08 p.m. – three hours and 19 minutes later. We already had Guardsmen on buses ready to move to the Capitol. Consequently, at 5:20 p.m, (in under 20 minutes) the District of Columbia National Guard arrived at the Capitol. We helped to re-establish the security perimeter at the east side of the Capitol to facilitate the resumption of the Joint Session of Congress.


He said that despite this delay, Milley told reporters the Pentagon reacted to the Capitol Hill protests with sprint speed.

“I'm saying that his people delayed us, but Milley is in the center of everything, making the decisions—no question about it,”he said.

Matthews said when he and Walker arrived at the Capitol grounds to observe the deployment of the Guardsmen. “It was already dark, and listen, the D.C. Armory is 1.8 miles away, and there were New Jersey state troopers there before the D.C. Guard.”

The colonel said the National Guard responded quickly and effectively to the George Floyd riots in Washington in the summer of 2020 and that before J6, Guardsmen on alert were issued riot gear and instructions, so there was no need to report to the armory before forming up at the Capitol. “We pivoted quickly in the George Floyd;we should have done the same thing on Jan 6.”

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 8 a.m. No.20252003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2012 >>2072 >>2160



National Guard facilities and headquarters are often called armories, a legacy of the force’s roots in civilian militias that held weapons, ammunition, and gunpowder in a single location.


Matthews said when he spoke up to defend Walkerand the record as he lived it,he went from being colonel-promotable, meaning he was on the list for brigadier general,to being shunned by peers and leadersand with little chance of pinning his first star.


“They lied in front of Congress to claim they moved quickly, but they didn't—they could have moved much quicker,” he said.

“I got retaliated against. That's the bottom line,” he said.


“I love the Army, but I'm thinking about resigning, not because I'm quitting,” he said. “I want to stay in the Army — I'm going to resign because I lost faith in leadership — I'm thinking about that — I haven't decided yet.”


Matthews: Milley spooked by optics of Soldiers restoring order

Matthews said Milley was emotionally scarred by the reaction to his appearance with Trump in front of Washington’s St. John’s Episcopal Church the morning after leftwing protesters tried May 31, 2020, to set the church aflame.


In fact, Milley apologized for standing with Trump against the arson attempt on the historic house of worship.


“I can say that he got beat up for being at St. John's Church,” he said. “I mean, it was ballsy of him to say: ‘I shouldn't have been there,’ because I thought the president could fire him.”


When J6 went down, Milley was not trying so much to kneecap Trump or support the protesters; instead, his concern was the appearance of the Army participating in the political process, he said.

Milley was then put on notice three days before J6; he said all 10 former secretaries of defense posted an op-ed in The Washington Post warning the Pentagon leadership against intervening in the political process.


Matthews said while Walker testified that the Army leadership was obsessed with its image, not the Capitol Hill protests, he heard it from them himself.


“Both McConville and McCarthy emphasized that to me and General Walker. We had a meeting about it — Milley talked about it, too,” he said.“They care about the perception. They didn't want to be seen as doing anything like they were working with Trump.”


One problem with that logic is that it is the mission of the National Guard to respond to civil disturbances, he said.


“They believed there should be no military presence on the Hill in the interest of democracy, but the National Guard responds to riots.”


Milley and his crew have largely retired, and there is a need for the military to regain the trust of the American people. What's currently going on, though, isn't helping.

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 8:15 a.m. No.20252073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2105 >>2160


Milley and others will go down in history as the most dishonest treasonous traitors of all time; and all those stating they didn't want to help Trump, the CiC, and all those other Defense Secretaries will not get free from this hideous hate of our country and CiC. Flag retired officers and many others are gonna be court marshalled.


Sounds like J6 military betrayal is very much like 51 Intelligence leaders signing the hunter laptop has all the attributes of Russia disinfo. they were trying to block Trump during his entire time.The TV Generals now have nefarious fame


“Milley was then put on notice three days before J6; he said all 10 former secretaries of defense posted an op-ed in The Washington Post warning the Pentagon leadership against intervening in the political process.


Matthews said while Walker testified that the Army leadership was obsessed with its image, not the Capitol Hill protests, he heard it from them himself.”


Matthews said while Walker testified that the Army leadership was obsessed with its image, not the Capitol Hill protests, he heard it from them himself.


“Both McConville and McCarthy emphasized that to me and General Walker. We had a meeting about it — Milley talked about it, too,” he said. “They care about the perception.They didn't want to be seen as doing anything like they were working with Trump.”

Anonymous ID: 39fc78 Jan. 16, 2024, 8:21 a.m. No.20252105   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Whatever Bidan offered Milley was not enough. Remember Trump repeats Milley wanted to leave the equipment in Afghanistan, and Trump was shocked and called him stupid.


Milley’s revenge on Trump was leaving $85 billion of equipement, Bagram base and 13 dead soldiers. It wasn’t enough for him to plot J6.


I’m positive he made the decision to do this. Milley’s ego reveals a very flawed person. He doesn’t care who dies!