Fortunately, The dems aren't even holding primaries, so we don't have to hear any fake bullshit how "it's a tight race". And, Trump has been declared "The GOP Choice", so the ballot choices for Nov are already fixed. The only people continuing to discuss "The Election" are getting paid to do so, or are willfully blind to reality. There will be an election, but it won't matter, because there's "A Plan"…which is way better than a "Democratic Election".
Democracy is a voting contest.
"Elections" are Democratic things.
Popularity Contests
Detestable things.
Anon can't find Democracy or Political Parties mentioned anywhere in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, or the Bill of Rights.
Voting is an act of "being a number" and giving symbolic support to one Prison Warden over another.
There are over 20M Americans who can't vote, FOR LIFE, because the State has stripped them of that so-called "Right" without Due Process.
Well, there is no "Right" to Vote. It's a Privilege, for the Privileged Class, who lick the boots, and go along with the Corruption, to Get Along (unity) with the Cop Cartel.
>DONE IN 30….
Like the old 30 Minute guarantee from Domino's
Everyone who pays taxes should "get a vote" or else it's Taxation without Representation, right?
Felons don't get a Sales Tax or Property Tax exemption when they are stripped of their voting powers.
So, is that 2 tests in your Utopian Democratic Kingdom?
Only Landowners, without a "Felony" conviction on their PERMANENT RECORD from some Kangaroo Court?
>Fuck biodiesel
Fuck Ethanol
It takes 100 gallons of water to make 1 gallon of corn spirits which produces 40% fewer BTUs per gallon than Gasoline?
And, in most cases it take more energy to produce ethanol, than it releases when burned.
And because it's corrosive, it can't be transported by pipeline…so the Teamsters Union (Uniparty Bankers) probably loves it.
Doesn't seem like a well balanced equation.
As true of all things now; the Washington wizards know it all, know how to issue thousand page mandates, careful to the penny, careless to the trillion, and clueless to the end.
"When you hear folks extoling ethanol, remember the facts; but as my Wyoming rancher friend says, "Why bother locking the gate after the horses are stolen?""
Anon realizes this is a bit off topic as it's not about slaughtering pedophiles, but it might be important to note to any anons stuck in Division Shilling mode that Vivek dropped out of the race already, and Trump's Nomination by the GOP to be the Republican Candidate in November, Ten months from now, is basically clinched by all accounts.
Vivek Ramaswamy drops out
Just let anon thaw out the pickup, and we'll head right on down to the river to pray…
That's silly.
>Yes, sometimes killing is not only necessary, but justified.
And so the State Administered Death Penalty, is Good, as an extension of the Battlefield for the Hearts and Minds?
Because, "God is, The written laws of mankind, collectively?"
That's funny
Mankind got together and wrote some laws, and an entire fucking universe full of galaxies, and solar systems, and planets, and fish and shit just popped right the fuck out.
And they call this a "Constitutional Republic"?
That One Green Dot shows anon that Patriots are in control.
Nikki Haley beats DJT in Johnson County Iowa by 1 vote.
Exculpatory evidence proving officers lied under oath was withheld from J6 defendants (Video)
Why is North Korea called The Hermit Kingdom?
Doesn't matter, anon supposes.
It's a Kingdom…like any other Kingdom
With a "Royal Infallible Family"
Like all Hiveminds
>Good? I wouldn't use that description anon. No killing is "good". Necessary and justified.
But Q told Anons that the Battlefield was between Good and Evil, so anon has to pick a side and the put the Death Penalty on one side or the other.
Either Anons support the Death Penalty or they don't…."Unity and all"
Either the Death Penalty is Good and the future generations should be trained to adore it as the solution to problems, OR it's Evil and we should stop arbitrarily murdering poor people and calling it "Justice".
Black Hats and White Hats?
The Military hires certain folks, like potential "Olympians," and serves as their Patron. They'll wear the uniform and get paid as an Officer because muh 4 Year Degree…but don't actually do a job, but mostly "serve" in their professional capacity as an Equestrian Athlete or Professional Entertainer of some sort. They spend their days "training" for their Special Talent.
Anon always guessed that "The C_A" was somewhere on the Routing Slip for "signoff" on these type of accessions, to make sure they were Photogenic enough to represent the US in Public.
It's kept on the down low for the most part.
The Officer ranks are so bloated with "token" leadership positions they can easily go unnoticed. Especially if they don't spend much time at the unit.
"Trust but Verify," pushed the Supervisor to Subordinate ratio to 1:1, which doubled the Management oversight requirements of the entire operation and increased the Administrative State that handles all the paper immensely.
Typical government operation.
>Right to Life
>she gets a free ride cause she's a bombshell blond?
"You can be anything you want to be…"
With enough cosmetic surgery and hormones…
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