William doesn't fly United.
Well, since we know GCHQ was involved in corruption by spying on POTUS, I imagine we get all their assets.
You should for sure keep posting the same post.
I mean, for sure you should. Maybe add a little picture of a pelican to get Anons attn.
Its a salient idea, but the NESARAfags already ruined any real discussion about it.
If/When POTUS tells us its done, then its a thing.
Maybe that's who's in the car taking the picture.
I don't think he even killed anyone, right? "Supposedly" injured one guy? Not sure.
Fuck all that. But raiding YouTube under cover of a computer generated tranny. Well that's priceless.
That's interesting. He was CEO from 1999 to 2014. Snowden was on his watch? And he kept his CotB position.
Did we already cover this and I missed it?
DNC lawsuit against Trump, Russia & WL dismissed on grounds of jurisdiction
Templars learned sacred geometry from the Arabians. Also, yes. Why wouldn't they?