Anonymous ID: 0eef1f Jan. 16, 2024, 9:18 a.m. No.20252367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2529 >>2661 >>2927 >>2999

Raynard Jackson Breaks Down The Black Vote And Fani Willis Case. Primary their asses if they vote for this budget bill, without including the Southern Border. CowardsBlacks are aware of the replacement theory to replace them with illegals!



Anonymous ID: 0eef1f Jan. 16, 2024, 9:29 a.m. No.20252414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2529 >>2661 >>2927 >>2999

United Airlines CEO is a cross-dressing freak…. Jan. 15, 2024


Have you noticed? The US aviation industry is crashing, both literally and figuratively. It’s like we’re watching the whole airline sector fall apart at the seams: pilots passing away out of the blue, passengers turning flights into WWE-style brawls, doors and windows blowing off mid-flight, and air traffic controllers resorting to Google for on-the-spot training. And when it seems things couldn’t get stranger, there’s the case of the freaky guy leading United Airlines.


Instead of prioritizing essentials like safety and skills, the CEO at United appears to be more concerned with his false eyelashes and jumbo nylons. Think we are joking? We wish we were, folks.


Here’s a closeup of the images of the United CEO and others from United Airlines:


Beyond the CEO’s creepy wardrobe fetish and turning the skies into something resembling a gay “rave,” the real kicker is his obsession with “equity” at the expense of your safety.


The whole airline situation is an absolute mess, leaving many Americans scratching their heads and wondering just how things got this bad.


Here’s one possible reason for the decline:


All joking aside, Mayor Pete’s at the very center of what’s off track (pun intended) with transportation in the US, and it’s also a clear reflection of this whole “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion” (DEI) approach. We’re now a country where race, gender, and sexual preference trump actual skill, expertise, and know-how. Gee, how could that go wrong?


Well, let us count the ways, shall we? Starting with this doozy:


After all, =what passenger doesn’t want a complete mental crackpot in charge of the plane they’re flying on?== You might be new to this topic, but it’s been on Revolver’s radar for quite a while now. In fact, we started calling out the DEI issue in the airline industry when only the faintest warning signs were beginning to show.


As technology advances, we’re regressing. Why?




The recent accident in Houston is just the latest noteworthy instance in what a major New York Times investigation this summer determined to be “an alarming pattern of safety lapses and near misses in the skies and on the runways in the USA.” According to internal records of the Federal Aviation Agency, the Times reported that these safety lapses and near misses occurred as a “result of human error.” The Times report further revealed that “runway incursions” of the sort described above have nearly doubled, from 987 to 1732, despite the widespread proliferation of advanced technologies.


We no longer focus on excellence; instead, we focus on wokeness.


The aggressive substitution of merit in favor of diversity has led to a so-called competency crisis, jeopardizing not only our ability to generate innovative technology but, in a more dire sense, our ability to simply maintain the proper functioning of various complex systems vital to our existence as a first-world civilization. Despite the superficiality of “diversity” as a matter of rhetoric, the reality of diversity as an ideological, cultural, and legal imperative is not merely cosmetic—far from it.


While a full treatment of this topic would run far outside the scope of this article, we have discussed elsewhere the manner and extent to which the affirmative action regime is embedded deeply into the law, economy, and every major institution in the country.


We highly recommend reading the entire Revolver article. It’s quite the eye-opener, shedding a bright light on the actual forces that are tearing apart our aviation industry. Read it here:


Unfortunately, the way things are now, before boarding a flight,you might find yourself wanting to check not only if your pilot is physically fit but also mentally and emotionally stable and not decked out in high heels. That’s quite a burden for passengers, who ideally should be able to board a plane carefree, just like in the golden days of flying.

Anonymous ID: 0eef1f Jan. 16, 2024, 9:37 a.m. No.20252443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hold onto your hats; ABC News can’t believe what’s happening to Joe…


January 15, 2024 (2 days ago)

It’s rather amusing to see the propaganda media finally wake up to a reality they’ve dodged for years: Joe Biden lacks support. This isn’t a sudden development. His support has been dwindling for quite some time, but you’d hardly know it with how the state-run media’s been spinning things. They’ve been bending over backward trying to paint a picture of a savvy political statesman at the helm, not a confused, bewildered old man showing signs of dementia.


The team at ABC News is finally facing the hard truth, and it’s not sitting well with them. But this is where the game changes; you can’t just pretend anymore. It’s time to call it like it is. The Democrats are approaching a crucial decision point for 2024: stick with Joe as their faltering, confused quarterback, or bench him in favor of someone new who can at least run a few plays with some vigor.


Here’s the stark reality: Joe’s popularity is at an all-time low, with ABC News reporting the worst polling numbers they’ve seen in 15 years. All that chatter about a booming economy, global peace, and unity? It’s completely missed the mark, for obvious reasons. Now, the consequences are clear: the failings of Biden’s presidency are reflected in every poll and are top of mind for Americans everywhere.


But don’t worry; ABC is still covering Joe. They actually withheld their top-line Trump-Biden head-to-head poll number from the public.


Still, we can glean from their numbers that Trump is clearly the strongest candidate in this race at this juncture.


Meanwhile, President Trump is carving out his own piece of history. According to the final Iowa Caucus poll by the Des Moines Register, Donald Trump stands at 48 percent, a whopping 28 percent ahead of his nearest challenger. This lead is the largest for any GOP candidate in the history of this poll.


In addition, the new CBS News poll has Trump leading against Biden, as does every other poll out there.


It’s quite a stretch to see Biden pulling in so much support in a CBS poll, especially when an ABC poll just showed him at a historic low. It goes without saying, but something still doesn’t add up with our polls. They seem to be more about pushing a narrative than reflecting reality, in many respects. Most would argue that, with the mood in the country right now, Biden would be lucky to pull ten percent support.


(Fake news title took hold 6+ years, but it’s taken hold. I’m so proud of Trump making up this title for the liars of DS)


More Bidan convictions incoming. Sure he wants to run against Trump! Kek

Anonymous ID: 0eef1f Jan. 16, 2024, 9:56 a.m. No.20252549   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Absolutely Must Listenthey will unleash more dangerous Plandemics and they will throw anything and everything against us.


Milley in Davos walking into the Ukraine house, he’s still involved in advising Ukraineeven though he is retired


Milley needs to be court marshalled first

Anonymous ID: 0eef1f Jan. 16, 2024, 10:11 a.m. No.20252625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2627 >>2640 >>2842

Rosemary Jenks: "Shut Down The Border Or Shut Down The Government - It's That Simple"


Lankford needs to walk away from this deal. This plan will allow 5,000 illegals a day! Lankford is from OK. They are still trying fund Ukraine at $60 billions




Every senator that agrees with this need to be primaried and kicked out

Anonymous ID: 0eef1f Jan. 16, 2024, 10:14 a.m. No.20252640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2644


Rosemary Jenks at:


Anyone that wants to help them to stop the illegal migration, they need contributions if you can give a little money. If not support them in any way possible. She has been working against illegals for decades

Anonymous ID: 0eef1f Jan. 16, 2024, 10:22 a.m. No.20252671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2704 >>2927 >>2999

Dr. Nehls Describes The Attacks On Our Mental Freedom | Check Out 'The Indoctrinated Brain' Today


Very important, posted first interview last night.Listen to the medical science on what “THEY ARE DOING” to us and disabling our ability to think, cognize and even care, through pandemicsThey are not going to stop. Noor Bin Ladin made this very clear in her interview!


Take Vitamin D now and every day



Anonymous ID: 0eef1f Jan. 16, 2024, 10:32 a.m. No.20252704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2927 >>2999


Link to Dr. Nehl’s book

The Indoctrinated BrainThey vaccine accelerated Alzheimers & dementia faster than anything else. Take Vit D daily. They erase an emotional and mental abilities in the brain through effects of vaccines and disasters announcements daily


They are destroying the Mental Immune System with vaccines and other toxins, fear, doubt, inability to think


Cheaper at Skyhorse publishing


The Indoctrinated Brain

How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom

Michael Nehls, Naomi Wolf


288 Pages

December 12, 2023

ISBN: 9781510778375

Imprint: Skyhorse Publishing

Anonymous ID: 0eef1f Jan. 16, 2024, 10:35 a.m. No.20252723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2765 >>2927 >>2999

Nigel Farage On Ukraine-Russia War: "We Need To Have Negotiations" What happened in Iowa was a massive Win for MAGA, Trump and America FirstWe are getting stronger! Nikki Haley is never going to give up, she will not win!



Anonymous ID: 0eef1f Jan. 16, 2024, 10:47 a.m. No.20252791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2815 >>2816 >>2927 >>2999

Iowa: Steve Bannon Calls On DeSantis And Haley To Drop Out After Iowa Caucus. More women voted for Trump than men, more college educated voted, a lot of great things happening. 75% in America know Joe bidan is illegitimate



Anonymous ID: 0eef1f Jan. 16, 2024, 11:05 a.m. No.20252902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2925 >>2927 >>2986 >>2999

"Biggest Win Ever In Iowa": Lindell On President Trump's Iowa Victory! Lindell still banned from advertising on FOX. They won’t even respond to him when he spent $100+ million annually on advertising==


Pray for Mike and his company to survive. He will always support President Trump



Anonymous ID: 0eef1f Jan. 16, 2024, 11:17 a.m. No.20252963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2999

Anna Bower


Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis addressed churchgoers at Big Bethel AMEin her first public remarks since Trump co-defendant Mike Roman sought to disqualify her based on an alleged “improper” relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade.


🧵with videos⬇️

Willis read a letter she penned to God in a moment of prayer earlier this week.


Describing herself as an "imperfect" and "flawed" person, Willis recounted the challenges she has faced during her time as district attorney.


Willis called out congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who earlier this week asked Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr to investigate Willis's hiring of Wade.


“I never want to be a Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has never met me but has allowed her spirit to be filled with hate."


Willis described being the target of a "swatting" attack on Christmas night, when someone reported that a woman had been shot dead at her home.


It led her to think that her oldest child had been shot, she said.


"I thank you, Lord, that it all turned out to be a cruel hoax."

Willis appeared to defend her hiring of special prosecutor Nathan Wade.


Without mentioning Wade by name, Willis saidshe hired three special prosecutorsto work on the case and "paid them all the same hourly rate." (Who are the two others? Are they on loan from the DOJ, like Braggs office in NY?)


But critics only attack the one who is a Black man, she said.


Willis said Wade has “impeccable” credentials.


He was previously hired by a Republican official in another county for a job that paid twice the rate, she said.


“Why is the White male Republican's judgement good enough, but the Black female Democrat's not?” she asked.


God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things, Willis told churchgoers.


"I'm as flawed as they come," she said.


"And one thing you will come to learn about me is I make sure everyone else is good, and sometimes I'm not," she said as her voice cracked with emotion.


Discussing the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., Willis said that "his journey was full of mistakes."


"Some of y'all might have forgotten that scandal the FBI tried to do on 'personal indiscretions' they alleged…but now that same FBI will take a day off to celebrate Dr. King."


"You cannot expect Black women to be perfect and save the world," Willis said. "We need to be allowed to stumble. We need grace."


"We are all flawed, sinners, unworthy, imperfect, damaged…But we are qualified upon His calling," she continued before concluding her remarks.


(Wow she is including all black women, this will really backfire on her.She’s a freakin DA, its her job requirement to follow the law, whether you are black or white. Trump just picked up 500,000 votes from black women. PS: she considers black people stupid for her to admit she’s cheated, lied and stole and will illegal indictments. This will come back im a major way.)