Anonymous ID: f0f292 Jan. 16, 2024, 12:46 p.m. No.20253418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3423

notes on Q Research General #24849: 2024-01-16 20:40 | P = Pindar, and Q insiders speak


Q Research General #24849: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition Anonymous 01/16/24 (Tue) 20:40


** P = Pindar


Salla is hit or miss, but this sounds like a hit.

P = Pindar, not Payseur, although Payseur is a stepping stone on the path to Pindar.

He is not the leader of all the Illuminati, but of the Reptiloid-ruled Cabal.


Interesting reading.


Payseurs is a relevant keyword but not the answer, which is why Q did not expand on it. Earth is part of the Draco Empire. P = Pindar, guardian of the Pope, a major loosh conduit, perhaps the largest. [P] has no distinct signature because it is not a separate family, but the CEO. That is why P=C the Chair. He's the Chairman.


We know that P=C= Pindar Chairman because Q's military op concluded with the death of the current Rothschild Pindar.

There is now a new Pindar, but he is in submission to the Anunnaki Pantheon faction that backs Q and Trump.

It may be King Charles.

There is always a Pindar for breeding reasons, to keep the bloodline abilities alive, and to interface with the Archontic hierarchy.


Well, good. I'm not bored anymore.


I had to figure this out to evaluate whether 082959 was an insider. He is.

He repeatedly friendly-quoted someone deleted, presumably VaticanTard.

A Qish insider doing that calls into question the conclusion that P=Payseur, which has never gone anywhere that a conclusion of that magnitude ought to.

The reasonable inference is that Q-anons stopped too soon, likely because the answer was in their esoteric blind spot: Reptilians.

And thus we have our answer.

VaticanTard is wrong, it's not the Pope, but he is right to be hammering the incorrect Payseur conclusion as if the survival of Humanity depended on it.

It's not "shills" who caused this, overall, but the arrogant blindness of Q-anons themselves, who pride themselves on their gnosis and deride the esoteric as "shilling".



Anonymous ID: f0f292 Jan. 16, 2024, 12:47 p.m. No.20253423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3426



** Illuminati/insiders


*** Qish anti-Catholic 082959 (24)


>>20251511 pb

Consent is required for spiritual reasons, which becomes quite militarily practical via Cosmic Law, Divine Order and friendly xeno aid.


>>20251712 pb

What does that flag mean? MAGA flag? 13 stripes. Lion.

Revelations quote, 7 seals, end times, fits BB prophecies.


>>20251420 pb

Big-picture thinker focused on world orders.


>>20251488 pb

Magic sword Illuminati-ish Pantheon video.


>>20251430 pb

Vatican struckthrough. Makes sense, Vatican is Cabal power center. Reptoids love that hierarchy and inversion of Christianity.

>>20251656 pb

Anti-Catholic again.

Countering anti-Nazi rhetoric, which another Illuminati pointed out is irrelevant, as Nazis are gone.

Relevant foes today are Rothschilds and Vatican; allegedly the former controls the latter via a loan.

Both are Cabal Reptoid controlled anyway.


>>20251554 pb



>>20251463 pb

"Momentum build rate" is a phrase only previously used in reference to WWE video game, and just twice at that.

SIP use is a high-IQ tell.


>>20251520 pb

Illuminati Pantheon anti-pedovore music video, cool.

Only flaw is that the enemy animals are mammals instead of Reptiloids.


American revolutionary theme:

>>20251574 pb

Restoring old glory: America was originally founded as an escape from authoritarian continental Illuminati powers, presumably Cabal.

Those powers have returned and taken control. Therefore it's time for a second American revolution, restoring the Pantheon Illuminati faction's control.

>>20251542 pb

A last stand like the Alamo. Freedom or(and) death.


>>20251613 pb

Chatting with deleted friendly. Music video is pole dance with dragon-slaying lyrics:


>>20251688 pb dubs

Exchange illegible again due to censorship of a graphic.

However, appears to be calling the Pharoahs tigers, which is quite fitting.

They were a savage bunch, transhuman Illuminati, highly enhanced.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


>>20251652 pb

Emphasizing that Melania is a biological female, in contrast to the XY Melania transgender, and the Cabal's Baphomet glorification of hermaphroditism.

>>20251678 pb

> Bye Phoenicia

Allusion to the Cabal's Phoenician roots.


>>20251695 pb

His perspective is the "anybody" remaining "nobody" on the other side of the conversation.

Implies the "nobodies" will escape destruction, because anonymous.

Cute story about Anons meeting and seeing familiar faces in a new light.

Definitely has the perspective a "somebody" talking to Anons. Insider.


>>20251721 pb

Odd exchange with ?Tom Dunkle. Seems to be calling him a Fed. Which, to be fair, he's probably got some kind of official intel employment history.

Take on me song… a challenge to fight?

>>20251750 pb

Yeah, Eye of the Tiger clarifies, he's declaring war on all the rogue Feds.

Being pedantic about Dunkle's sloppy rhetoric, though. Doesn't recognize Dunkle as being on the same side.

Compartmentalization. OP appears to be a Qish insider (USG side), whereas Dunkle is directly BB affiliated.



Anonymous ID: f0f292 Jan. 16, 2024, 12:48 p.m. No.20253426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3429



*** Qish counter-kike b7562f (2)


>>20251561 pb

Terse dense signal; insider opsec.


>>20251594 pb

> Nobody cares about the nazis ancient history it is (YOU) we are trying to save

Insider at minimum. Pic upgrades to Illuminati:

> You people have been looking for a savior for a while now.

> Unironically… Trump is trying to save you people from Moloch. Trump or Rothschild, your choice: It's biblical.

> PIC: "Touch a Rothschild, and the revolutionary Jew from the ghetto utters his protest, and accepts the remark as a personal affront to himself." – Henry Ford. (because Rothschilds fund Communism.)

quote is from (probably deleted) 4chan /pol/ thread:

The pics are broken for me but I can download them fine. Solid sources and arguments.

Thesis is that Israel (including Netanyahu) created and funded Hamas as casus belli to conquer the rest of Palestine. (This has been corroborated by Farsight Prime remote viewers.)

OP continues: Ashkenazim are not Jews but Europeans, which is why Israel bans DNA testing

and observes they are ugly child molesters.


So based on this and other posts, I conclude that Moloch is child sacrifice, Jews, and Rothschilds.

Y-heads are the Reptiloid European royals, then, I supposed. They do love their trannies.


Yeah, that makes sense, because the "goat god" Pan is actually a Reptiloid, according to Eva Draconis.

The Dark Lords (Alpha Thetans) take the goat form because many goats have been sacrificed to them, and "you are what you eat".

However, they primarily present themselves as black Reptiloid demons.

Their original form is Walking Sticks, AKA Slenderman. They live on Saturn and are the emissaries of the Cabal's black hole Eye god.

(Their Reptiloid persona is a poor and broken impression of true dragon coherence and pride, but their dark power is undeniable.)


*** Qish counter-kike 9013b0 (29)


>>9013b0 pb

>>20251723 pb

Pharoanic lore.


>>20251665 pb

Oprah soup… cannibalism?


>>20251727 pb

Raises and then refutes MSM fact-check on Jew tunnels. May be same as above Qish anon.

>>20251753 pb

Pushing against the "muhjooshill" gatekeepers, and popular ignorance of kike perfidy.


>>20251717 pb double 17s

Lebensraum post. Relevant to Israel and Ashkenazis (Polish DNA).


>>20251756 pb

pedos targeted


>>20251780 pb

Jussie Smollett; weren't there rumors Kamala Harris was involved? Staging an event to grandstand about it?


>>20251854 pb

Colab logo looks like Black Sun

Connection to NY Jews likely.


>>20251874 pb

>>20251906 pb

Iranian strike on Erbil hit Mossad Kurdish Jew.


>>20251921 pb

Claudine Gay hit Epstein associate; likely cause for retaliation by Pritzker Jews.


*** Qish a5f325 (5)


>>20251604 pb

Japanese buyout of US steel company strategically important to counter China.


>>20251661 pb

> Kirk & Halper run the Drudge Report now.

> Drudge is irrelevant.

Charlie Kirk and Daniel Halper?


>>20251673 pb

>Did Israel wage clandestine war in the M.E to gain "Lebensraum" for it's ultimate goal of becoming a superpower?

> Is that why Israel partnered with China & dumped the U.S?


Nobody responded, even though this was obviously the Greater Israel plan.


China has turned on Israel, backing Iran. China was betrayed by Jew-owned Biden, despite buying him, on Taiwan. China is allied with Russia now, in the war against the GAE.


>>20251704 pb

Book Hillary was reading to prep for Epstein scandal exposing Bill Clinton.

Looks Cabal relevant.



Anonymous ID: f0f292 Jan. 16, 2024, 12:48 p.m. No.20253429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3442



*** Tom Dunkle 32ca57 (21)


>>20251707 pb

> DOD ran Warp Speed from its inception, sidelining the FDA and drug companies

> so Trump was DECEIVED by his closest advisors


>>20251715 pb

DoD controls FDA safety approval process.


>>20251722 pb

USGOV propanda media list


< Desert Storm

>>20251794 pb

Casus belli for Iraq invasion was a lie; real reason was archaeological dig for xeno tech, says Yajweh.

US Navy may lose ships due to Israel's madness, and should retreat.

Video: New Hampshire Committee Hearing on USS Liberty


>>20252086 pb

Implies Milley (Miley) is soulless. It's time to remove the question-mark. This is Dunkle.



Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes


Literally the one scientist who escaped the Iron Curtain after his team discovered that Communism's leaders were the 4-6% of the population that were psychopaths.

I thought it was a dramatized backstory. Nope. Literally what happened.

It sounds like science fiction. But someday so will feminism and mass immigration.


>>20252057 pb

And he has the authority to make naughty lists.


>>20252121 pb

Predicts USA will have hypersonic missile.

digits are arms race catchup: 2121


>>20252114 pb

Condemns the original America Firsters, which opposed US involvement in WW1.

Perhaps there were Illuminati Pantheon reasons to fight WW1 which they never shared with the public.

The reason to invade Iraq was sound enough - a device with the potential to crack the planet's crust, or worse, if misused. Far beyond Iraq's ability to comprehend.

Farsight Institute did a video on the pyramid that showed they used an energetic ritual to quarry rock by exploding bedrock. Enabled by xeno tech, presumably gifted by the Anunnaki.


*** BB? 21c65f (1)


>>20251829 pb

Sounds like BB building Hell and giving another ultimatum to a category of Cabalists…

who definitely did not get that message.


*** Gospel of Pot 640dcb (3)


>>20252060 pb

Sasquatch would approve of this message, I suspect.

(Not that he's soft.)


>>20252070 pb

Speaking with authority, like BB.

God-complex lunatics aren't rare. This doesn't sound like one. Too smart, wise and controlled. Working sense of humor too:

>>20252128 pb

(That guy wasn't Klaus Schwab, but he makes a good joke. Stevie wonder wasn't there either. And the physical match is close…)


** switching to latest completed thread


previous threads: >>20251438 pb


I should start doing qresearch general threads by most recent completed.

no need to continue the old no-skip series

mined all I needed by that method

the Illuminati require consensus buildup to Disclose

which means I need to engage in recent threads to stimulate the conversation so they can Disclosure more.

mining qresearch archives has limited utility in comparison

the Illuminati sources are of limited honesty, accuracy and forthcomingness

better to tap their gnosis by participating in the latest thread.