of the three men who died on the titanic allegedly bcs they opposed the creation of the federal reserve, TWO WERE JEWISH. reconcile.
>We're about to find out either way
one way involves everyone dying, or being reduced to slave, so….
i'd like an inkling beforehand
>hovering the mouse is too difficult for (you)?
SOMETIMES anon wants to VISIT the OP, not just look at it in a pop-up window
why not just apologize?
or your ego too fragile for that?
>The enemy is not giving you a heads up.
neither are the supposed cavalry scheduled to arrive in 2 weeks
there are as many answers to your question as there are anons here
the reason we're here to begin with is we're mostly skeptics
one can be skeptical and still remain hopeful
>The Anglo-Saxon mission failed.
we still got the bomb, the one WE invented, and all the other WMD with delivery systems
it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings
pretty sure the fat lady is russian
>do you have even a single fact to back any of that up?
either you're mossad
or you've been living under a rock
on uranus
birds are quite smart
crows in particular put many yumans to shame
watch a few vids of crows solving problems and INVENTING TOOLS
>There are 2 types. Good and Bad, as far as I know.
otherwise known as "real" and "street"
kill them all
nigger loving whore
half breed mongrel
cucked soiboi who took the slut and her bastard back