Anonymous ID: fe3538 Jan. 16, 2024, 2:20 p.m. No.20253871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3887

President Trump Explains How Things Went So Badly So Fast With Gov. Kim Reynolds



It’s no secret that President Trump and Iowa’s Governor Kim Reynolds don’t like each other much. But it hasn’t always been that way….


In fact, President Trump worked hard to get Gov. Reynolds elected. Many believe she wouldn’t currently be Governor without President Trump’s help.


And for a while, she liked and supported him right back. Then things turned south.


If you never knew the full backstory, I’ll let President Trump fill you in on the missing details.


Watch here:


Sad to see the way Gov. Reynolds treated President Trump.Loyalty above all.When will they learn? It’s such a basic concept, yet so few possess it.


President Trump has made clear for DECADES that is the character trait he values most above all:


ARCHIVE FOUND: Donald Trump Was Very Prophetic 30 Years Ago


An old video clip was recently found of Donald Trump and it’s going viral. This is approximately 30 years ago. The Donald Trump in this clip is wildly successful. He’s popular. The media loves him. He’s worth many millions. And what does he say in the midst of this?


He famously says:


“I think I’d like to lose it all for a time period to see who is loyal to me.”


You see, when you have it all, EVERYONE wants to be your friend. And you don’t know who is real.


How absolutely prophetic that Donald Trump would say this. And have we seen it play out? Most certainly so. We’ve still got his back and many others do too, but others have fled. It appears he got his wish…

Anonymous ID: fe3538 Jan. 16, 2024, 2:22 p.m. No.20253887   🗄️.is 🔗kun



ARCHIVE FOUND: Donald Trump Was Very Prophetic 30 Years Ago


Credit to the “Not Me, Him” channel for finding this old video of a very young Donald Trump. And to steal an old Mitch Hedberg joke: “every video of me is when I was younger”.


But let’s get serious because this is a very serious clip and it’s amazing how accurate it predicts what’s happening today. You may have heard the quote before but here is the video of him saying it.


Basically, this is a young Donald Trump being asked about his friends and how he knows if they are true friends or not. Good question when you’re worth billions.


How many people TRULY have your back?


Donald answers the question by saying because he himself is extremely loyal to people, he takes it as a grave offense when people are not loyal to him.


And then to directly answer the question he says he’d really love to “lose it all” one day — temporarily — just to see who was truly loyal to him.Wow.


Could anything more accurately describe the current state of affairs?


Mr. President, let me be the first to say we’ve had your back since 2015 and we haven’t budged one inch! You’ve got our FULL SUPPORT and LOYALTY here at WeLoveTrump!


Please enjoy this incredible, prophetic clip where perhaps he didn’t even know it but he was prophesying the future.Don’t ever doubt how much this man is being used by God. A modern day Cyrus.



Anonymous ID: fe3538 Jan. 16, 2024, 2:37 p.m. No.20253973   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald Trump Reveals Which Former GOP Presidential Candidate He Wants In His Administration


After cruising to a landslide victory in the Iowa caucus, Donald Trump revealed he would like former GOP presidential candidate and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum in his administration.


You need controversy for traction sometimes. This guy is the most solid guy. There’s no controversy whatsoever. He’s one of the best governors in our country, and I that I’m going to be able to call on him to be a piece of the administration. A very important piece of the administration,” Trump said.


WATCH: Fox News reports:


Former President Trump praised ex-rival North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum on an Iowa stage Monday night, promising him an “important” role in the next administration.


Trump, who swept all but one of Iowa’s 99 counties during the first in the nation caucuses Monday, has yet to announce his choice of a 2024 running mate.


“Doug Burgum from North Dakota, the governor and his beautiful wife, Catherine, and he got out of the race,” Trump said following his projected Iowa win, addressing the North Dakota governor on stage beside him. Burgum notably suspended his 2024 campaign in December, just six months after launching his dark horse presidential bid.


“What people don’t know is that he actually supported me on the other side twice already. Right?”Trump said of Burgum.


“President Trump is going to win the Republican nomination and it’s not going to be close. Joe Biden is wrong on energy, wrong on the economy, and wrong on national security. President Trump will put America back on track!” Burgum said.


CBS News added:

North Dakota Republican Gov. Doug Burgum endorsed Donald Trump for president on the eve of the Iowa caucuses after dropping his own bid for the presidency last month.


Burgum, who became the first of Trump’s former GOP rivals to endorse him for president, joined Trump on stage at a campaign rally Sunday.


“Four years ago, I was speaking on behalf of President Trump at the Iowa caucuses in Sioux City, and today, I’m here to do something that none of the other presidential primary candidates have done,” Burgum said. “And that’s endorse Donald J. Trump for the president of the United States of America.”


Burgum dropped out of the race after struggling with the Republican National Committee’s debate requirements. He was able to qualify for the first and second debates, but failed to qualify for the third one. Two days before the fourth debate, the governor announced he was suspending his campaign.


“The RNC’s clubhouse debate requirements are nationalizing the primary process and taking the power of democracy away from the engaged, thoughtful citizens of Iowa and New Hampshire,” Burgum said in ending his candidacy.


Burgum is a social conservative, who has signed into law a six-week abortion ban and legislation to restrict transgender rights. He’s also a fiscal hawk who has cut state spending while enacting the largest tax cut in North Dakota history.

Anonymous ID: fe3538 Jan. 16, 2024, 2:48 p.m. No.20254042   🗄️.is 🔗kun


PN (past notable) should be included, so you don’t have to find it in a 500 post prior bread.


Evolving with accurate initials is not a bad thing?


PB, LB, PN is not too hard to remember. PB and LB are those posts that didn’t make notables!


Ancient Autists & Anons, please weigh in here.

Anonymous ID: fe3538 Jan. 16, 2024, 3 p.m. No.20254115   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Jack Smith Smacked Down by Appellate Judges for Violating Donald Trump’s Executive Privilege

thepoliticsbriefJan. 16, 20241/2

Special Counsel Jack Smith has been excoriated by a panel of four appellate court judges for hisunprecedented search of a former president’s private communications.


The judges condemned Smith’s violation of executive privilege by searching former President Donald Trump’s Twitter files.


“Holy sh*t: 4 judges on DC appellate court just delivered a scorching smack down of Special Counsel Jack Smith, Judge Beryl Howell, and Judge Florence Pan for search of Trump’s Twitter file,” reported Julie Kelly.


“The Special Counsel’s approach obscured and bypassed any assertion of executive privilege and dodged the careful balance Congress struck in the Presidential Records Act,” she added while citing a user named @FamilyManAndrew.


The court document states: “This case turned on the First Amendment rights of a social media company,but looming in the background are consequential and novel questionsabout executive privilege and the balance of power between the President, Congress, and the courts.”


“Seeking access to former President Donald Trump’s Twitter/X account, Special Counsel Jack Smith directed a search warrant at Twitter and obtained a nondisclosure order that prevented Twitter from informing President Trump about the search,” the judges added. “The Special Counsel’s approach obscured and dodged the careful balance Congress struck in the Presidential Records Act.The district court and this court permitted the arrangement without any consideration of the consequential executive privilegeissues raised by this unprecedented search.”


We should not have endorsed this gambit,” the judges added.


“‘Any court completely in the dark as to what Presidential files contain isduty bound to respect the singularly unique role under Art. II of a President’s communicationsand activities’ by affording such communications a presumptive privilege,” the judges added, citing the legal precedent in United States v. Haldeman.


In December, Special Counsel Jack Smith announced that he intended to use the former president’s extracted Twitter files and phone data as evidence in his Jan. 6 trial in Washington D.C. on March 4, the day before Super Tuesday.


As reported by Politico, “Special counsel Jack Smith has extracted data from the cell phone Donald Trump used while in the White House and plans to present evidence of his findings to a Washington, D.C. jury to demonstrate how Trump used the phone in the weeks during which he attempted to subvert the 2020 election.”


Data from the ex-president’s phone, Politico added, “could reveal day-to-day details of his final weeks in office, including his daily movements, his Twitter habits and any other aides who had access to his accounts and devices. The data, for example, could help show whether Trump personally approved or sent a fateful tweet attacking his vice president, Mike Pence, during the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.”


According to the court filing, the government had submitted a notice of an expert witness who has retrieved the former president’s cell phone data and location data.


The Government expects that Expert 1 will testify about his/her use of ArcGIS (Geographic

Information Systems) software to create a map of the Google location history data produced in response to a search warrant. Specifically, Expert 1 plotted the location history data for Google accounts and devices associated with individuals who moved, on January 6, 2021, from an area at or near the Ellipse to an area encompassing the United States Capitol building. His/her testimony will describe and explain the resulting graphical representations of that data, and it will aid the jury in understanding the movements of individuals toward the Capitol area during and after the defendant’s speech at the Ellipse.…

Anonymous ID: fe3538 Jan. 16, 2024, 3:07 p.m. No.20254149   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Jack Smith is not only targeting Donald Trump’s communications from his time as commander-in-chief, while attempting to undercut his claims of executive immunity, however.He is also targeting millions of Trump supporters.


In late November, it was revealed that DOJ prosecutors collected a massive collection of data about the former president’s social media activity—including information on every account that liked, followed, or retweeted him.


Anextensively redacted search warrant was revealed as a result of a judge’s ruling on November 17, which came after a consortium of media organizations filed an application in August for the warrant and other data to be made public.


Twitter appears to have providedthe DOJ with =vast volumes of material== under compulsion.


Special Counsel Jack Smith sought, and appears to have gotten,information on all users Trump followed, unfollowed, muted, unmuted, blocked, or unblocked, as well as all users who followed, unfollowed, muted, unmuted, blocked, or unblocked Trump.


Smith also requested that Twitter provide information on “all lists of Twitter users who have favorited or retweeted tweets posted by [Trump], as well as all tweets that include the username associated with the account (i.e., ‘mentions’ or ‘replies’).”


The DOJ’s request alsowanted information on Trump’s geolocation, private messages, search history, and contact information.


The warrant’s release comes after Twitter objected to the search warrant as well as an accompanying gag order, claiming that the gag order violated the company’s First Amendment right to communicate with Trump and that Trump may have legal standing to use executive privilege to block the warrant.


Twitter’s challenge to the DOJ was eventually unsuccessful, with Obama-appointed District Judge Beryl Howell fining the firm $350,000 in February for failing to fulfill a deadline for complying with the order. All of Howell’s rulings were upheld by an appeals court.


Even more chilling,not only did Jack Smith seek to violate Donald Trump’s reasonable expectationof privacy in search for a crime,he wanted to do it in secret.


“Based on ex parte affidavits, the district court found probable cause to search the Twitter account for evidence of criminal offenses. Moreover, the district court found that there were ‘reasonable grounds to believe’ that disclosing the warrant to former President Trump ‘would seriously jeopardize the ongoing investigation’ by giving him ‘an opportunity to destroy evidence, change patterns of behavior, [or] notify confederates,’” the appeals court noted.


It is now abundantly clear that Special CounselJack Smith not only violated Donald Trump’s individual rights, as well as that of millions of Twitter users, in their reasonable expectation of privacy,but also his executive privilege as a President of the United States.


(Oh well now Clinton, Bush, Obama and Bidan can be charged with false crimes and all their Executive privilege will be violated. No problem really)

Anonymous ID: fe3538 Jan. 16, 2024, 3:27 p.m. No.20254217   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mile Gill revealed the billions in NH that were stolen by these cretins and they expect Trump to debate them.They are desperate, there’s no reason to debate any of them, he won assholes

Anonymous ID: fe3538 Jan. 16, 2024, 4:01 p.m. No.20254418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4440

President Trump Campaign Rally – Atkinson, New Hampshire, 5:00pm Livestream


January 16, 2024 | Sundance | 129 Comments

After a resounding victory in Iowa, President Trump flew to New York City at 3:00am to prepare for another court appearance triggered by the Lawfare operations using E Jean Carroll. Billionaire LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman is funding the lawsuit brought by Carroll, and billionaire Reid Hoffman is also funding Nikki Haley. It’s easy to see the play happening there.



Following the court appearance created by Reid Hoffman, Donald Trump, the defiant voice of the people, then travels to give a campaign speech ​at the Atkinson Country Club in Atkinson, New Hampshire where he will confront Nikki Haley, another creation of Reid Hoffman. President Trump is anticipated to speak around 6:30pm ET. Livestream Links Below:


RSBN YouTube Livestream – RSBN Rumble Livestream – Trump Campaign Rumble Livestream