I’ll do Trump too: back when I was in office… I kinda made America Great again. Next time I’ll definitely do it. winky face
>You would have had
Sauce? Would have still been quicker than this plan. I could have gotten my FEMA camp life going already for like 5 years.
>didn't cheat
Cheating isn’t the point. White hats are controlling the narrative and most certainly controlling the Biden narrative. That means white hats are fucking everyone over with inflation. Fact check me.
>covid battle
That was fake too. Military PsyOp. All fake news.
Nah. I don’t approve of fucking over my people. That’s just as bad as what the deep state was doing. End the ducking Fed already.
Congrats on getting the sheep to vote. Much easier than waking them up.
Why is the plan so slow?
Fucking over people with inflation. White hat plans.