Ah you're a bv now? Shadilay!
Oh, so Trump is working with corporate America to MAGA?
Is that what Politico is really trying to hide? These people are as transparent as an open window.
>Whatever happened to #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR?
Whatever happened to class action lawsuits?!
The Bill of Rights only covers us against the government.
It does not protect us from corporations. If anons ever wonder "What is there left for me to do? We've uncovered so much!"โฆ This is a great example of unfinished business.
>Every single last one of these Cabal fuckers has not slept well since Nov, 2016.
Good. Fuck them and the penis they rode in on.
>Q was sitting in POTUS' chairโฆ..
Reminder: POTUSโฆ has 'q' clearance also, does he not?
I don't normally step into the muh-joo slideโฆ
But I will say that a high degree of so-called muh-joos do get caught commiting hate crimes againstโฆ Themselves?
Silly muh-joos; We don't give any fucks about feels, so you're not special either ;)
>There's a belt ~~buckle~~ in that photo
Correction. No buckle, but a white belt is clearly visible.