please slap a name tag on that cocksucker and repost the meme
anon has a mission and that meme is a necessary tool
please slap a name tag on that cocksucker and repost the meme
anon has a mission and that meme is a necessary tool
not a divisionfag
but discernment alone tells me that Bannon is scum
nevermind his bloviating and buffoonery
he is not a force for good
>Mossad backed. They don't wake you up, they keep you asleep. They tell you things you want to hear.
not a slide but worth noting that Durham is the most long-lived LARP ever
they are also paid by the (You)s
saying Bannon wields truth as herding tool
the "community" you refer to and the culture you describe is and always has been entirely contrived.
including Swordy.
noted your digits:
No one can come to Me unless the Father draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day.
John 6:44
there are no patriots
only paytriots
all are comped
the movie is about God being in control
and about dropping His hammer of justice
'PAIN' is the Great Tribulation written about in the Bible
if you have not learned this lesson from Jeremiah chapter 17, you have missed the entire point of the movie:
Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see when good comes, but shall inhabit the parched places of the wilderness in a salt land which is not inhabited.
Jeremiah 17:5-6
anon, you are entirely right
now apply this reasoning to your discernment:
there was an unseen soft coup
the Constitution has been effectively suspended
for several years now
>Trump is helping put on this show, it was not stolen from him, that's the plot of the movie.
are you getting it now?
now overlay this on the Q-team
do you see how it works?
they have been psyopping for longer than you have been alive
remove the veil that has been concealing reality and you can level up
gore shill moved from the Kunt to Commiefornia
>putting faith in your fellow man is putting faith in Him
scripture twisting lies
parasitic shill life
lesser magic cunts
all liars end up in lake of fire
The Great Awakening is a Satanic lie designed to deceive people into believing and trusting the False Light of Lucifer
at least Melania got to be with her dying mother.
anon was denied that opportunity during the covid insanity.
God knew who would choose Him.
He knows the end from the beginning.
"You'll find out."
"The end will not be for everyone."
"You'll find out" are the words of Trump, faggot.
but fuck around and find out.
your future is going to be exceedingly unpleasant.