…Ah, damn it.
…Yup. It's gotten to be a series of short term, temporary 'fixes', perpetually kicking the can down the road. Some of these assholes need their cans kicked (figuratively).
…And if anon isn't here to fuckin' make 'frens', then what, ostracize the heretic, or some other dumb shit?
>>20263787 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/18/us/politics/trump-ballot-ruling-washington.html
…Dunno, could you use a fucking grainier photo? Potato quality isn't enough.
>commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist
…Fucking tryhard-ist.
…You dumb cunts still cannot shake off your normieland glow.
"Read in a whiny bitch voice"